Can UV Exposure Stunt Facial Hair Growth?

Conflicting opinions on ultraviolet (UV) radiation’s effects on facial hair circle around. Some people claim clear skies are beneficial for beards and mustaches. Others warn against sunbathing when trying to grow impressive facial hair. Which side of the fence is right?

The truth lies in the middle. Understand how the sun influences facial hair growth to know how therapeutic and destructive it can be.

UV Exposure

Does Sunlight Stop Facial Hair Growth?

No, sunlight doesn’t stop facial hair growth. On the contrary, the sun stimulates it. Solar radiation helps you grow the Chevron, a burly beard, a goatee, mutton chops, sideburns or whatever style your DNA permits. That’s because it’s an essential ingredient for vitamin D production.

Sunlight contains ultraviolet B (UVB) light that turns a chemical in your skin into vitamin D. Healthy levels of vitamin D — as well as vitamins A, B7 and C — allow your body to generate plenty of testosterone and convert some of it into dihydrotestosterone, a hormone vital in facial hair growth.

Timing matters to produce an adequate amount of this sunshine vitamin. The best time of day for sun exposure is midday. Experts suggest exposing your face, hands, arms and legs to sunlight without protection for 5-30 minutes between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. is crucial in preventing vitamin D deficiency. This period lets you get a safe dose of UVB radiation efficiently.

The recommendation may not apply to all, though. Race plays a role in vitamin D production because of melanin. This pigment is responsible for skin color and is a natural sunscreen protecting skin from damage from excessive sunlight exposure.

People with more melanin have to spend more time under the sun than those with less of it to stimulate facial hair growth. That’s why lighter-skinned individuals can produce sufficient vitamin D fast. In contrast, darker-skinned people need more prolonged UV exposure to create the same amount of the nutrient.

Does UV Light Stop Hair Growth?

UV light is a double-edged sword. It doesn’t stop hair growth but can damage beards and mustaches. This solar radiation can burn away the protective oils coating individual strands. Without them, your facial hair is more vulnerable to sun damage.

The more brittle your hair becomes, the less effective it is at safeguarding the skin underneath from UV rays. Less natural protection against sunlight increases your risk of skin diseases, including cancer.

Moreover, UV can change hair color. Overexposure to this invisible light can break down your hair’s melanin pigments, causing any hair on your face to appear lighter. Melanin helps combat the undesirable effects of excessive sun exposure, so losing it in your hair is bad news for your health.

How to Ensure Healthy Facial Hair Growth When It’s Sunny

Follow these five tips to grow and maintain healthy facial hair during months when the sun is at its most intense.

1.   Limit Sun Exposure

Rule number one is to catch some sun moderately. What’s moderate depends on your natural skin color. If you have lighter skin, you only need a small window to produce enough vitamin D your body needs to grow facial hair, so avoid basking — or baking — in the sun for too long.

Aside from damaging your facial hair, getting too much UV radiation increases your risk of skin cancer — a growing health concern. It affects more people than other cancers. Skin cancer is so prevalent no less than 20% of Americans will likely get it by the time they reach 70.

Avoiding UV rays is challenging anywhere, even at home. The sun can penetrate your indoor spaces deeply, leaving you with few hiding spots. Fortunately, there are viable solutions to protect yourself without wearing sunscreen. Growing trees and thick foliage around your home or switching to energy-efficient windows will significantly reduce your chance of unexpected UV overexposure.

2.   Moisturize With UV Protection

Using a moisturizer prevents dryness due to washing your facial hair during warm months. Choose a product with Sun Protection Factor 30 or higher to keep your beard hydrated while rendering most of the UV radiation hitting your face harmless.

3.   Put a Premium on Grooming

Split ends indicate damaged hair. You can’t undo them, so you should trim them to give your facial hair a chance to regrow stronger and healthier.

Contrary to popular belief, shaving your face doesn’t accelerate facial hair growth rate. Observe how fast your beard can grow to your desired thickness to determine your suitable trimming frequency.

If you have a patchy beard, shave off the sparse strands to look neat because they’re too far from each other to cover your skin. Use a traditional razor instead of an electric trimmer to avoid having a five o’clock shadow.

4.   Wear Sunscreen

Applying sunscreen to your facial hair sounds strange, but it works like a charm. Utilize a moisturizer with SPF to both keep your beard feeling fresh and protect it from the sun. It can protect your beard from sun damage if you coat your hair with it thoroughly and reapply it every once in a while.

While you’re at it, use some on the skin under your beard. It can complement your facial hair’s sunlight-blocking prowess, keeping the skin where your beard grows healthy. Keep in mind that you’ll want to utilize a chemical sunscreen to avoid leaving a white cast on your skin.

5.   Wear a Beard Cover

A beard cover is more of protective gear than a fashion item. It’s something you wear when you have to be under the sun in unshaded areas for long periods because of your job.

This device can only block some sunlight because it’s porous. Still, it’s better than wearing nothing and leaving your facial hair bare.

Healthy Is the Beard the Sun Shines On

Sunlight is a non-negotiable requirement to grow as much facial hair as your genes let you. UV rays can be damaging, but they’re not the enemy — overexposure is. Be mindful of how much daylight your skin absorbs and when you receive it to stay in the shade no less than you must.

Are Beards Becoming More Common in Business Settings?

Your appearance means a lot in the business world. You’ll have an easier time dealing with partners and customers when you look and sound professional. How does facial hair fit into the equation? Are beards unprofessional in the modern landscape? Clean-shaven faces were once the norm, but facial hair has become more accepted in the office. Here’s what you need to know about modern customs.


Do Beards Have a Place in Business

The 20th century mainly saw clean-shaven men in media and offices because cleanliness represented professionalism. However, society has gravitated toward facial hair — especially men with professional beard styles. Some professions may discourage it, but you have more freedom to wear your beard in the workplace. In fact, there’s a good chance your boss also has one.

YouGov has tracked facial hair trends for over a decade and has seen a shift in perception. Its 2023 survey asked British men if they have facial hair and how they wear it, and the change since last decade has been drastic.

Over 60% of men in 2011 had no facial hair, but that number has dropped to 46% in the last 12 years. The proportion of men of any age with a beard and mustache has skyrocketed from around 10% to over 30%.

This trend is even more pronounced for men between 18 and 39, with over 40% of this age group sporting beards and mustaches. The beard-growing trend has also affected women, with a 13% increase in those who prefer men with beards. In 2011, 66% of British women liked a man without a beard, but that number has dropped to 36% in 2023. The survey finds that 44% of women don’t prefer either style.

Beards in the Workplace

People have become more accepting of beards and have even encouraged them in daily life. How does it translate to the workplace? A recent survey from Hims polled 500 men who have jobs.

The survey finds that 63% of respondents kept their facial hair when interviewing for their current role. About 40% sported a beard, 30% had a goatee and 20% wore a mustache. The survey also notes about 72% of respondents did not review their company’s beard policy before starting the interview. About 90% of men say their policy allows beards at work, with most saying there’s an expectation to keep their facial hair neat.

What Obstacles Do Beards Face in the Workplace?

While facial hair has become more acceptable in the workplace, some of your co-workers may still say beards are unprofessional. These obstacles demonstrate what you may have to go through with a beard.


Santa Claus is a famous jolly figure with a big beard, but even he has difficulty changing people’s perceptions. Although time has been kinder to beards, stereotypes still exist among the general population.

For instance, a 2021 Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology study examines how people see masculinity and aggressiveness in men’s beards. The results show the respondents had the best accuracy when associating bearded faces with anger and aggressiveness. Conversely, the participants had an easier time associating happy expressions with those sporting no facial hair.

This research demonstrates stereotypes still exist for guys with beards. You generally can wear facial hair in a business setting, but you must be careful not to reinforce typecasts like anger and aggressiveness.


Dress Codes

While times have changed to support beards, you may have to abide by your company’s dress code if it says you cannot wear one. Some businesses enforce this policy for professionalism, whereas others create the rules for health and safety protocols. For example, if you work in manufacturing or food services, your employer may require shaven faces to comply with regulations.

The military is another place you must comply with the beardless dress codes, but times could be changing. A 2022 report indicates the Air Force has considered allowing a quarter-inch-thick beard in a new policy. However, it’s unclear if or when the new rule will take effect.


You could argue beards are a freedom of expression, and the law should protect your facial hair. However, there isn’t much legal help on your side. Employers have the right to create dress codes and grooming standards as they see fit for their operations.

So, if the boss says you can’t have a beard, they’ll likely get away with the policy. However, the circumstances change if you wear a beard for religious reasons. Federal laws protect your beard from discrimination if it’s part of your religion.

How Can You Craft Professional Beard Styles?

The proportion of people saying beards are unprofessional has declined in recent years. However, sporting professional styles is integral to ensure your boss doesn’t say anything about your facial hair. Here are a few tips for looking acceptable in the office.

Trim Your Facial Hair

Beards can look stylish and socially acceptable until they reach a certain point — then they become scraggly and unkempt. Experts say trimmed facial hair is best for looking presentable in business casual settings. Trim it regularly to keep your beard looking its best.

If necessary, create a grooming schedule to ensure your facial hair doesn’t get out of control at any point of the week. You can save time by trimming the night before work, but the morning may be better if your beard grows fast.

Comb Your Beard

Beard length won’t be as much of an issue if you groom it wisely. For instance, use a comb to style and shape your facial hair in particular directions. This tool is also helpful in distributing beard oil and beard balm, ensuring your facial hair has adequate moisturization throughout the day. Keep a beard comb nearby to groom yourself at work and look your best for meetings.


Pick a Fitting Style

Professional beard styles vary by the guy, with some lineups looking better than others. Find the one that fits your head shape and wardrobe, as it will make your facial hair look more acceptable in a business setting. For instance, a man with a square face looks stylish with a goatee, whereas a triangular head may look better with a full beard and mustache. 

Are Beards Unprofessional? Not Anymore

Beards have a complicated history in the business world. If you worked in a 1950s office, you wouldn’t see many beards because people deemed them unprofessional. However, times have changed to be more accepting of facial hair.

Beards are more common in business settings, but you must ensure yours is tidy and groomed. Some workplaces may forbid beards for health or safety reasons, so examine company policy before growing your facial hair.

How to Shave and Style When Dealing With Hair Loss

Traditional razors

There are a few signature moments in a guy’s life. Your graduation, first car and wedding are some positive events, but not-so-great ones like seeing your hair fall out are bound to happen. My older family members and friends are going through this now, so I know it’s only a matter of time before I do, too. When that time comes, I’ll be ready with these tips for shaving and styling when dealing with hair loss.

Shaving seems straightforward, but it gets more complicated when dealing with hair loss. Here are four tips for getting your shave right and looking your best.

Pick a Reliable Razor

The first step in shaving is to pick a reliable razor. Ideally, you’ll choose a manual razor with a sharp blade because you can get a closer shave. Traditional razors are less expensive and give you more control, which is why I prefer them. Also, you don’t have to worry about batteries or the power going out when it’s time to shave.

Be Conscious of Your Skin

Life would be easier if everyone had perfect skin, like in the shows and movies. However, that’s not the case for most. Be conscious of your skin, especially if it tends to be sensitive or dry. Find shaving creams specifically designed for sensitive skin because you’ll have a better time with them. For example, hypoallergenic shaving cream is likely to be easy on sensitive skin.

Another way to help your skin is to exfoliate ahead of shaving. The process is easier if you shower beforehand because hot water opens your facial pores and loosens your hair. Plus, it removes dirt and bacteria on your face for a quicker shave.

Shave Smart

Shaving is a natural task for most guys, but getting it right can be more complex than it sounds. For example, beard trimmers are useful when shaving because they thin out your hair before the blade hits the skin. If your hair is thinning, you might not need it in some areas. However, it’ll benefit you in the thicker sections of your hair.

Another pro-tip for shaving is to shave with the grain. Going against the grain is acceptable with steak and other meats, but it’s not conducive to your skin. Going with the grain is best for men with sensitive skin to reduce irritation. Thinning hair can be tricky to navigate on your head, so staying with the grain is best practice here as well.

Safeguard Your Scalp

Balding men tend to lose hair around their scalp, so this part of your head becomes more sensitive and vulnerable. Safeguarding it is essential for comfort and practicality. Now more than ever, you need to use shaving cream or another lubricant to prevent skin irritation.

During shaves or showering, use products better geared toward balding men. These typically lack fragrances and are more gentle on your scalp.

How to Style When Dealing With Hair Loss

If you’ve noticed your hair has begun to thin or fade away altogether, know that it’s nothing to be ashamed of. There are over 200 different genes connected to male hair loss that we know of. Balding men can have styles just as good as anyone else. Use these four tactics for styling and care when experiencing hair loss.

Pick a Complementary Hairstyle

Hair loss doesn’t mean you have to shave it all off. You can still rock a nice head of hair with a hairstyle complementary to the amount on your head. These hairdos are terrific for balding men:

  • Buzz cut: If you want to shave it off, you’re welcome to. Pick your desired blade and get to your preferred level of thinness on the scalp. The cool breeze on your head feels incredible in the summer.
  • Modern army cut: Try the modern army cut — also known as the military fade — if you’re not ready to part from your hair yet. This hairstyle fits men with receding sides because it removes most of the hair without eliminating the top.
  • Ivy League cut: Thankfully, you don’t need a Harvard or Yale degree for the Ivy League cut. This style is apt for balding hair because of its short sides and back. The top of your hair is flexible, letting you style it however you see fit.

Wear a Hat

It’s OK to be picky about your hair. If you don’t like your haircut or how your hair looks during the day, consider wearing a hat. They’re a statement of style, letting you rep your favorite sports team or vacation spot. They can even be the finishing touches on your super outfit. For example, a black top hat looks great with a tuxedo.

While hats are typically for style, you can benefit from them. Hats are helpful in cold and rainy weather by keeping your body warm. Plus, the rain doesn’t help your thinning hair if you put time and effort into styling it.

Rock Some Jewelry

Jewelry is another way to distract from thinning and receding hairlines. Rocking gold chains takes the attention away from your head and brings people’s eyes to your chest.

Chains are a popular option for jewelry, but there are plenty of others on the table. Any man can find a bracelet, earring or ring to enhance their style. Donning a Rolex will distract anybody.

Grow Your Beard

Growing a beard is one of the best solutions to hair loss. Losing hair on one part of your head isn’t as bad when you can grow it on the opposite end. Bald men look great with beards because they demonstrate strength and wisdom, and bring character to your face. Plus, they project confidence and completely transform your appearance.

If you want your beard to distract from your hair, consider a unique style that draws the eyes down. For example, Viking beards are popular for guys who like the big, bushy look. You may think of Viking facial hair as unkempt, but historians say they kept well-groomed beards, whether short or long. Don’t rule out handlebar mustaches, unicorn beards and other unconventional styles to keep your beard perfectly weird.

Shaving Smart and Staying Stylish

Seeing bald spots or thinning hair can be challenging for men. While it’s not everyone’s preferred way of aging, there are ways to work around it. Use these tips for shaving and styling when dealing with hair loss.

Grooming and Confidence: Five Great Tips

Men's Grooming


It feels good to like the face in the mirror. Taking care of your personal grooming can make a huge difference in your self-confidence and in turn, your quality of life. A lot of men struggle with finding a style that’s their own or don’t know where to start. In this article, we’ll look at five great tips that can help you look and feel like your best self.

1.       Take Time on Your Appearance Every Day 

Little is more devastating to your self-confidence than being disheveled and looking like you’re coming off a three-day bender on your way to the coffee shop or the store. Wrinkled clothing, matted hair, we’ve all been there, you know the look. The good news is that tidying yourself up doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Spending a few minutes each morning in front of the mirror can make a huge difference.

Your hair is a great place to start. We’ll touch on hairstyles later when you’ve got the cut you like. Focus on keeping your hair healthy for now. It’s important to keep your hair clean, but many shampoos contain parabens and other ingredients that can strip away helpful oils that your skin and hair need. This can leave your hair dry and possibly cause an itchy scalp and dandruff. Try to find a shampoo that’s free of dyes or parabens, and see if using it every other day helps you to maintain a healthier head of hair.

Another simple thing to keep in mind is dental hygiene. Having bad breath or things stuck in your teeth is embarrassing and preventable. Brush your teeth after each meal and try to floss every day—it will do wonders for your smile. If you’re a big coffee or tea drinker, there are many remedies to bring the sparkle back to your smile, like whitening pens or toothpaste.

Finally, be aware of your body odor. Make sure to apply an antiperspirant deodorant if it’s hot out, you’re exercising vigorously, or if you’re just prone to heavy perspiration. Then find a cologne that you like to give you that “signature scent,” but don’t apply it too heavily. A dab on the neck and wrists will suffice. Body odor is something that others tend to notice pretty quickly, and nothing destroys self-confidence quite like being told you smell bad.

2.       Change Up Your Hairstyle!

Is your style working for you? If not, it may be time to make a change. Your hair is one of the first things people will see and notice about you. If you’ve been walking around with the same haircut for a long time, consider switching up your hairstyle. A fresh new haircut can boost your confidence and do wonders for your personal appearance. Check up on what’s in style, and take a look at some of the most popular men’s hairstyles of 2022.

Once you’ve found a style that suits you, make sure to properly care for your hair as discussed above. You don’t want to get a great haircut only to have poor quality products and bad grooming habits make it look less than stellar. If you find you’re having trouble growing full hair for the look that you’re considering, or you feel that your hair is too thin to achieve the style, you may want to talk to your doctor about a solution like topical minoxidil. It’s not uncommon to experience thinning hair as you get older. Treating these issues early on can help to combat the effects of aging and male pattern baldness, and help you achieve the style you want..

No matter the type of hair you have, from short, neatly trimmed cuts to long flowing hair, there is almost certainly a style that fits you. Ask your barber for suggestions or try a few different looks if you’re not sure!

3. Try Growing a Beard!

If you’ve been browsing around and looking at articles on personal grooming, you’ve probably heard a lot of differing opinions on this subject. Some will say to ditch the beard, while others will encourage short, neatly trimmed facial hair. So who’s correct?

Having a beard will be more work; that much is for sure. But overall, this is going to be up to personal preference. Some people don’t like the feeling of facial hair or simply don’t like the way their face looks with a beard or mustache. However, if you’ve never tried growing a beard, you can’t know what you’ll look like with one! Fortunately for you, we’ve broken down the positives and negatives of facial hair and whether or not a beard is right for you.

If you do decide to try growing a beard, make sure that you keep it clean, styled, and well-kept. Letting your facial hair grow wild will only add to a messy appearance.

4. Take a Closer Look at Your Face

If you like your hairstyle and you’re satisfied with your facial hair, it may be time to take a closer look at your complexion. Is your skin clear and smooth? Or do you have acne and bags under your eyes? If you’re serious about looking your best, taking care of your face is a crucial part of your grooming routine.

One of the most important components of good skin care is keeping your hands clean. Whether you realize it or not, you touch your face fairly often, and the dirt and oils on your hands can clog the pores on your skin and give you an oily complexion or even breakouts. When washing your face, pick a good cleanser that fits your skin type, be that oily or dry. Try using warm water rather than hot, as hot water can open up pores too much and cause them to fill with oils and debris. If you suffer from dry skin, you’ll want to stick with a cleanser that has a moisturizer. If you have a lot of oil and are prone to breakouts, you may want to look into a cleanser with salicylic acid.

5. Change Up Your Wardrobe

Have you been wearing the same clothes for the past few years? Quarantine has caused a lot of us to not put too much thought into how we dress on a daily basis, especially for those that work from home. Now that the world is starting to open back up and return to normal though, you don’t want to be wearing that same t-shirt and jeans you’ve had since 2016. It might be time to upgrade your wardrobe. There are a lot of options to choose from, but the process doesn’t have to be daunting. There are a lot of great resources, including sites that let you choose what you like and suggest outfits for you based on your preferences and tastes. One of the great things about style trends today is the vast variety of clothing that’s considered ‘in style.’ From classy ’60s style blazers and button-ups to the jeans and flannels of the ’70s all the way to the argyle sweaters of the 80s. If you can rock it with confidence, it’s probably stylish. You don’t have to spend a ton of money either; try out thrift stores and consignment shops to find a look that suits you and wear it with pride.

One of the best ways to feel good about yourself is to take care of your physical appearance. It’s a great feeling to look in the mirror and like what you see. With people spending less time outside and going to social events, the last couple of years has started to make people think less about personal grooming. The days of ‘clean shirt, pants optional’ are coming to a close. However, if you want to feel your best, then you’ll want to look your best.