How Using The Best Beard Oil Will Keep You Looking GQ
When thinking about growing a beard for the first time, many men believe that having a beard means cutting time off their daily grooming routine and being able to have a certain “devil may care” approach to just letting that facial hair grow wild. Little do they know that their beard will require just as much time and care as a freshly shaved face. With a beard, a whole new world of grooming products become staples, such as beard wash and beard oil.
You could say that beards are high maintenance. But that is only true if you want your beard to look good, your girlfriend to enjoy being close to you and your boss to not complain that you look too “wild” for the company image. Yes, having a beard takes effort. But making that effort appear effortless is what real beardsmen are about. We will show you why getting yourself the best beard oil money can buy will pay off.
Beard Oil Is Your New Best Friend
Oil made specifically for the beard hydrates your beard and keeps it looking healthy, well-kept and handsome. It makes hair stronger, yet softer at the same time. Because this oil is meant for beards, it does not do what regular skin creams and lotion will do. Those products not made for beards have chemicals that damage fine facial hair and make it rough and unruly.
Beard oil also helps keep your skin healthy and moisturized underneath your beard. This is very important, even though no one can see your skin beneath all of that hair. Your skin needs moisture to keep growing your luscious facial locks and not become itchy. Keeping the itch away will help ensure you enjoy having your beard and do not decide in a fit of itch to just shave the whole thing off, as many men do.
Selecting Your Beard Oil
EJ, model BOLP is the Best Beard Oil
While oil is a longtime favorite of many men, some prefer beard balm. That is a personal choice and the two are generally interchangeable as part of the grooming routine. People who do not like a heavy, greasy feeling usually prefer oil. Those who like the more solid form of beard balm and can keep it from getting too heavy or greasy use the balm.
A favorite beard care brand for many men is Edwin Jagger. Edwin Jagger beard care products are available in a variety of scents, such as the Sandalwood Edwin Jagger Beard Oil or Limes and Pomegranate Edwin Jagger Beard Oil.
Formulated with natural ingredients and organically cultivated plants, Edwin Jagger brand products, including the oil, are great for your skin beneath your beard and tame facial hair into a well-coiffed tribute to beardsmanship. Hair becomes stronger and shinier, while skin is moisturized and remains hydrated longer.
Applying the Oil
Four or five drops of oil into the palm of your hand is sufficient for daily beard maintenance. That is, unless your beard is longer than average. Experiment with how much oil you use, keeping in mind that it is always easier to add more moisture than to take excess away. So do not go too wild and crazy with too much oil.
When you have oil in your palm, rub your hands together to work it all over both hands and warm it a little. Then start at the bottom of your beard and work your fingers and hands through the hair, reaching the skin to hydrate it well. When your beard is moisturized, apply some of the oil to your mustache. Finally, use a brush, wide-toothed comb, or beard comb to evenly spread the oil throughout your facial hair. This combing will ensure there are no hair knots and leave your beard looking well-groomed and smooth.
Have questions on the use of the best beard oil? Just contact us and we will get back to you right away.
Easy Steps To Finding Yourself The Best Shaving Razor
For the best shave, a safety razor is a great wet shave choice. But using a safety razor takes time and practice for a close, smooth shave. There are keys to selecting your own best shaving razor, particularly if you are going for the classic shave a safety razor provides. But when you find your perfect fit and adapt to this method, the match will be one you cherish forever.
A Safety Razor, Considered the Best Shaving Razor By Many
When selecting a safety razor as your own best shaving razor you will need to pay attention to several attributes of available choices.
Edge: Single or Double?
Single-edge safety razors are less common than double. Only one side of the razorhead will have an exposed blade. For most safety razors, you are able to flip the razor around during shaving to use two blades for greater convenience. Quite simply, single edge safety razors are not as often considered the best shaving razor for a wet shave and few, if any, manufacturers produce them today. Single edge razors used to be very popular in the early part of the century but has been almost diminished by the double edge razors.
Double edge safety razors have two identical sides with the blade exposed. This allows you to spend half as much time rinsing your razor during your shaving routine.
Edwin Jagger Safety Razor DE87BL
Quality counts for a wet shave. The best shaving razor that will last for years is going to come at a price. But for the number of years you will enjoy using your razor, it is usually well worth the price. Safety razors are often handed down from father to son, as they have been for generations.
There are two primary types of razorheads: adjustable and stable. An adjustable safety razor head allows you to determine the setting of the blade. Razor blade angle and exposure are two ways that razorheads may adjust. An adjustable safety razor example is the polished chrome Merkur Futur Safety Razor. A non-adjustable safety razor is the Edwin Jagger Safety Razor R35611SR.
Your best shaving razor will be one that fits nicely and comfortably in your hand, allowing you to grip it as you need to for your best possible shave. Safety razor handles can vary in grip width, handle length, weight and materials.
Most safety razors are maintained in the same manner. This usually consists of rinse and air dry. You do want to ensure your safety razor is from a recognized brand, so you can rely on it properly holding the blade when it counts for many years to come.
Blades are a variable you will need to decide for yourself. Blades are available in varied thickness and sharpness. It is better to practice for several weeks using less sharp blades, before graduating to the more refined ones.
We all remember those days as children when our fathers or grandfathers stood at the mirror using a safety razor, swishing the razor in the sink full of steamy water. We also remember the part of the shaving routine when dad or grandad would pull the Old Spice or other brand out of the medicine cabinet, dashing after shave lotion into one palm, rubbing hands together and then smacking or dabbing onto his face. That scent would linger for an hour or more after he left for work and his car or truck carried the fragrance forever.
Times have changed. Shaving has changed. But no shaving routine is complete without application of a great post shave lotion. Just like men have been doing for centuries, you always end your shave with after shave lotion.
After shave lotion first became popular as a means of preventing infection. Razors of old were not sharp like today’s blades. So shaving was more laborious and heavy-handed. Many cuts and nicks were expected, when going in for a shave.Such cuts could easily become inflamed and infected because of unsanitary conditions of those times when no one knew about bacteria and sterilization. A bad shave could do more than cut you. It could actually result in a fatal infection.
As being clean-shaven became fashionable, barbers realized they needed to help take care of cuts using antiseptic at the end of shaves. They also wanted to provide extra attention to their customers in order to keep those men coming back to the barber shop.
Roman barbers applied plaster with therapeutic ingredients on it to the face. This soothed the skin. The therapeutic qualities came from a spider web soaked in oil and vinegar. The vinegar’s acidity burned bacteria away while the oil moisturized. Just imagine, though, how these men smelled after their shave.
Hungarians started experimenting with lotions, fragrances and aromatic waters. Those methods took hold and spread across Europe and into America. By 1770, no barber shave was complete without post shave lotion. Jean-Jacques Perret was responsible for teaching many men how to give themselves the perfect shave through his book, “The Art of Learning to Shave Oneself.” In that book he touted use of after shave colognes.
Today’s After Shave
Today’s after shave includes antiseptic for prevention of infection or inflammation. This antiseptic is stearate citrate, isopropyl alcohol or denature alcohol. The antiseptic also closes pores to prevent pimples. Witch hazel is also a good anti-inflammatory astringent, as used in Taylor of Old Bond Street Luxury After Shave Gel.
A second component of today’s after shave is moisturizing oil. This oil keeps the skin hydrated and smooths its surface. Some skin moisturizers in after shave also nourish the skin, using ingredients such as olive oil. Edwin Jagger After Shave with Aloe Vera is a great choice for its moisturizing properties.
The third primary ingredient of after shave is fragrance. Obviously, fragrance is for vanity reasons and does not provide other benefits beyond the senses. One popular scent of after shave is Taylor of Old Bond Street’s Eaton College After Shave.
As history evolves and we find different methods of wet shaving, it is important to consider different shaving kits that have all mens essentials including pre and post shave solutions in addition to the most professional beauty tools used by many artists today.
Choosing The Best Wet Shaving Supplies For Beginners
The definition of Wet Shaving is classified as the process of hydrating ones face with warm water or a warm towel to soften the skin before lathering of soap or similar lubrication is applied. This process is different when compared to non-lubricated shaving because it’s a longer process which provides a unique experience for it’s users. Although the need for a quick trim comes up from time to time, the traditional wet shave is definitely the way to enjoy this routine with patience and time. People all over the world choose this route for the reward of the closest shave possible. However, what if you need some assistance identifying the best wet shaving supplies? Let us take a look at some of the common tools involved in wet shaving.
The Basic Wet Shaving Supplies
Most wet shaving kits available comprise of a razor, pre-shave solution, brush, cream or soap and an after shave solution which seals in the final step. Let us take an in depth look at each of these aspects.
The actual tool that cuts the hair on your face and body is classified as the shaving razor. There are many different types which might suit your needs. Some of the most common types of grooming tools is the cartridge, double edged safety and the straight razor. It’s important to educate yourself on the difference of wet shaving supplies so you know exactly what works for you. Let’s take a quick look at each of these so you could determine which one is a right fit for you.
Cartridge Razor
Edwin Jagger Mach3 Razor R71711
The cartridge razor is one of the most popular and common choices due to its mass availability and safe design which allows anyone to shave quickly and effectively without worrying too much about cutting themselves. Companies like Gillette and Schick have been producing this tool for many years and continue to introduce new models which are appealing visually and aesthetically. Most cartridge razors have a thin strip which releases a lubricant made from polyethylene oxide onto the skin. This nontoxic solution is not necessary but often used by manufacturers to remind customers to change their cartridge once the lubricating strip, AKA expiration strip, has been depleted.
Edwin Jagger Safety Razor DE87BL
Safety Razor
The Safety Razor, although similar to the cartridge shaver, provides a different experience since safety blades do not come with lubricating strips. Grooming yourself with a safety razor has a classic feel and provides a very close trim when performed properly with 2 or even 3 stage passes. The safety blade is back by popular demand due to rising costs with wet shaving supplies. In comparison to the cartridge shaver, the safety razor incorporates blades which run pennies each compared to expensive cartridge razors. Safety Razors are easy to use and have safe shaving functionality with its top and bottom bar holding the blade in place.
Straight Blade
The straight blade is the oldest type of grooming tool available for those who want a raw, old school feel which is not only super sharp but demands a steep learning curve if you are just starting out. The straight blade is not a tool which should be used for on the run, quick shaves. In fact, performing a straight blade shave quickly could cause major cuts/damage to ones skin since these tools do not have any form of safety bar or strip attached. Once the art of shaving with a straight blade is perfected, it is hard to achieve a closer and more satisfying experience with any other tool.
Pre Shave Solution
Preparing your skin before you start cutting away is called the pre shave process. Many consumers have sensitive skin and require the use of a pre shave solution during this process. Most solutions are made of botanical ingredients and essentials oils which are safe on the skin and provide the lubrication needed for your razor to glide across the skin instead of being pulled across the skin. This pull is what creates bumps and cuts which is why many swear by using a pre shave solution.
Berkeley 46 Pure Badger
Facial Brush
One of the most important parts of the wet shaving supplies requires the use of a brush. This part is extremely important because a shave brush not only massages your skin and prepares your face for the sharp blade, it also stands up the stubborn hair on your body which need to be sliced correctly to avoid downstream irritation and ingrown hairs. Without a doubt, using a shaving brush will provide a closer and cleaner shave so if this is your goal, purchasing one is the best investment for your daily routine. These brushes come in different bristles which include but is not limited to synthetic hair, boar, badger and horse hair bristles. Finding the right one for you might not be as easy as you think. Since different brushes feel different on the skin, you might have to try a few of them before you find your “go to” brush. Most wet shavers starting out choose to go with synthetic brushes since these brushes work up a lather quickly and don’t require too much effort. Wet Shavers who are a little more experienced go for the badger brush route which is arguably the best type of hair used for facial shaving.
Creams vs Soaps
Col Conk Lime Shave Soap
Many wonder what the difference is between creams and soaps. The difference is mainly preference and whichever solution you feel great with. Historically, shave soap’s were one of the first types of solutions available but has since evolved with the many different versions of this soap which has transitioned to creams, gels and oils.
One important aspect to keep in mind is that creams or soaps provide the lubrication needed for your razor to glide across your skin but shouldn’t dry your face in the process of it. Many aerosol type creams have a solution called butane in them. Butane could dry your skin and provide more long term harm which is why it is not recommended to use any form of cream or soap which contains this chemical.
After Shave Solution
Col Conk
Sealing in your shave after all the previous steps have been completed is ideal. Many people swear by splashing cold water on their face after a shave to close out your skins pores. You can enhance this process by using an Alum block. The alum block is generally a clear potassium block used as a blood coagulant. This stops the bleeding of any cuts or bumps if you were too aggressive on your skin. Using an after shave solution is key to moisturizing your skin and keeping you feeling fresh and ready to take on any of the days obstacles so make sure you don’t ignore this step.
Choosing The Right Wet Shaving Supplies For You
Choosing the right wet shaving supplies isn’t something that is achieved overnight and could take a while to perfect. Understanding which shaving essentials work for you is key and what you should focus on during your wet shaving journey. An important fact to remember is to always allow the shaving razor to do the work. Meaning, don’t use excessive pressure when shaving because a sharp razor will cut the growth appropriately without needed force. It’s important to find a shaving store which can provide insight on shaving essentials and tools by answering your questions. The classic art of wet shaving isn’t for everyone but if you’re ready to take your skin care to the next level, we hope this guide has helped you jumpstart your journey. As always, please contact us 24/7 with your inquiries on shaving goods and we will reply right away.