Keeping Beards Protected From Pests

Dropping food into your beard isn’t unheard of, but it could invite unwanted guests. If you don’t manage it well, your facial hair could be a bug’s next feeding ground.

While it may seem unimportant, beard maintenance can go a long way in deterring mosquitos, flies and other insects. Here’s what you need to know about pest prevention for your beard.


How to Keep Pests Away From Your Beard

Growing a beard comes with the responsibility of keeping it clean — otherwise, you could set up a red carpet for bugs to enter your facial hair. Here’s how to keep pests away from your beard.

Consistent Cleanings

Your beard experiences a lot during the day. Work, exercise, parties and family time can take your facial hair anywhere indoors and outdoors. While showing off your beard is fun, you must clean it consistently to remove unwanted contaminants.

Food, dirt, sweat and bacteria build up inside the hair, even if you don’t notice them. A clean beard is essential to keeping pests out and maintaining good hygiene. Experts recommend washing two to three times a week for beard upkeep.

Routine Trims

A messier beard provides an attractive resting spot for pests. Routinely trim your beard to reduce the chance a bug will set up camp inside. This is similar to cutting the grass in your yard to eliminate habitats for snakes.

If you let your beard grow, you could risk trapping moisture and growing bacteria. Thus, trimming your facial hair is critical to fostering a cleaner environment under your chin. A smaller beard is also easier to clean, letting you spend less time in front of the mirror.

Neutral Scents

Smelling fresh is critical to your hygiene. Shampoo, conditioner, body wash and cologne impact how people perceive you. While the scents from these products are great, they could bring unwanted pests to your beard. Research shows carboxylic acid attracts mosquitoes, so refrain from using products with it in your beard.

When in doubt, select neutral scents for your beard care. For example, unscented shaving cream leaves no scent while delivering a fresh feeling. If you like more complex smells, experiment with products to see which ones repel pests better than others.

Careful Eating

When you haven’t eaten in a while, it’s time to chow down. However, overzealous eating can harm your beard if food leaves your mouth. Accidents can happen, so careful eating is essential for beard protection. Sometimes, covering your mouth might not be enough.

Protect your beard by eating slower and taking smaller bites to make it easier on your mouth. Consider using a fork, knife and other utensils instead of your hands to control the food as it enters your mouth. Enhance your beard protection with nearby napkins and wipes to cleanse your face.

Beard Protection

When the ultraviolet (UV) rays are dangerous, people wear hats to protect their scalps. Should you take similar measures for your beard? While there aren’t beard hats, there is some gear to safeguard your facial hair when you walk outside. For example, a beard scarf could be your solution.

Why Bugs Are Attracted to Facial Hair

Why do pests like making themselves at home in your beard? Here are a few reasons they like your face.

Attractive Smells

While bugs may like your artificial scent, there are other natural smells they can’t get enough of. Humans emit carbon dioxide (CO2), thus benefiting plant growth because they need it for respiration. What else has an attraction to this gas? Mosquitoes can sense CO2 from 50 yards away, making it hard to hide.

When bugs smell CO2, it indicates where their next meal could be. Mosquitos use this scent to find your skin, take refuge and begin feasting. While on your body, they find other attractive smells in your beard and take refuge.

Food Search

While humans and insects seem different, they’re both animals at heart. Invertebrates and vertebrates have daily goals to find food. Bugs typically eat plants, but they won’t pass up the opportunity to feast on you.

Beards provide a unique opportunity for insects because the hair traps tiny food particles. While a shower can help the beard, you could be vulnerable to less noticeable messes. Suppose you sweeten Greek yogurt with honey for a healthy snack. The honey could get stuck in your beard and invite bugs for their mealtime.

Temporary Shelter

Shelter is another critical need for insects. If you’re unlucky, they may seek a home inside your beard. Facial hair might not seem large enough for a habitat, but it’s the right size for a tiny bug. Pests see your beard as a refuge from the dangerous outdoor environment where their predators are.

Beards keep you warm during the winter, giving you a natural advantage in the cold. Pests also recognize this opportunity and want to take advantage of it regardless of the season. Research shows insects prefer higher temperatures, so your beard provides the needed spot.

Laying Eggs

When bugs find a safe and warm place, they may see it as an optimal spot for laying eggs. Their spawn needs moisture and warmth inside the egg, so your beard could be a suitable place. Consistent sweat and hot temperatures make your facial hair their next destination.

For example, experts say lice affect up to 12 million people annually, and these tiny bugs can get in your facial hair.

Bacteria Haven

Working hard in the gym or outside means you’ll break a sweat. While it’s a sign of a job well done, the sweat dripping from your face to your beard could bring negative consequences. This fluid contains bacteria that don’t smell great to humans but are attractive to pests.

When you sweat, your body calls pests and tells them to come over. Mosquitos enjoy human sweat because it contains lactic acid and ammonia. Excessive sweat makes it worse, so grab a towel and clean yourself after workouts.

Can Employers Require You to Shave Your Beard?

Imagine interviewing for a role. You have the job experience, and you tick all the boxes in terms of the work culture. The hiring manager laughs at all your jokes, almost welcoming you to the company. Suddenly, they bring up their clean shaven policy.

Do employers have a right to ask you to shave your beard? Do you have any say in the matter? It’s a gray area depending on your industry, but generally, they can indeed require you to shave. However, you can request an appeal based on a few factors.

Clean Shaven Policies

Every company has an image it wants to retain. Employers are within their legal right to set grooming standards and dress codes. Some policies will usually focus on attire, smell and appearance. Hair is more subjective, considering its cultural significance for many people.

While a federal bill has been passed to forbid employer discrimination on hair texture and style, there’s no specific law for beards yet. Thus, companies may uphold a clean shaven policy regarding facial hair.

Workplaces typically enforce these roles for client-facing jobs to improve presentability. Employees who have to wear personal protective equipment are also a key target for being clean-shaven to uphold beard safety.

OSHA Facial Hair Regulations

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s main concern about beard safety in the workplace is respirator leakage. A respirator is an essential piece of equipment for filtering out chemicals and pollutants from a working environment. It features a fan to blow clean air for inhalation and an exhalation valve for your breath to exit.

Respirators are important for people working with paints, gases and other hazardous environments. They can also be critical tools when dealing with fire. OSHA guidelines dictate that almost all industries must conduct fire safety training in a controlled environment. Aside from learning to use an extinguisher, wearing a respirator can be the difference between life and death.

While there are many designs, full-face masks are ideal for zero exposure to toxic air. Unfortunately, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health finds that facial hair under the sealing of a respirator can result in up to 1,000 times more leakage.

Chin hair is usually the culprit of crossing the respirator seal and creating air leaks. Jobs requiring the use of respirators or other similar face masks on a regular basis can require you to keep facial hair contained for your own safety. Naturally, shaving is the simplest solution. There are also clean-cut facial hair alternatives like minimalist mustache and sideburn styles.

Beard Safety and Hygiene

OSHA standards aside, a clean shaven policy may also allude to the need for proper hygiene. A beard can contain multiple pathogenic microorganisms in its strands. If you’re applying for a job involving food and beverages, it can make sense to shave your facial hair.

Working in a pharmacy or hospital also requires utmost beard safety and hygiene. Keep bacteria out of such spaces, especially if you face immunocompromised patients who need clean indoor air quality.

Shaving is still definitely on a case-to-case basis, though. Some places allow facial hair to be a certain length. If it exceeds these limits, you get a warning and notification to trim. Other companies may require using a beard net instead.

If you keep part of your beard, adopt grooming practices for maximum hygiene. Shampoo and rinse thoroughly as often as possible to eliminate any bits and pieces. You can also use an exfoliating scrub and conditioner to get into the nitty-gritty.

Societal Perspectives

A clean shaven policy can also stem from wanting to look more professional. Appearances matter, especially in a corporate setting. While times have changed, companies still think it’s better to be safe than sorry. Some individuals haven’t completely shifted their views, either.

It’s not always a bad thing. Beards are often a sign of maturity and masculinity for men. Younger job seekers who want to give off an impression of being experienced and authoritative can benefit from facial hair. Just make sure it isn’t unkempt.

That said, there are downsides too. For example, most people stereotype bearded men as more angry and aggressive than their shaven counterparts. Others may also sense they are less trustworthy. The perception still stands despite being rather baseless.

Balancing Employee Rights and Duties

Employers can require you to shave your beard. Do you have to follow the clean shaven policy? Generally, you must abide by the rules to secure a job and stay at a workplace. However, there are some areas where you can appeal to management.

Requesting consideration from your employers makes the most sense if your role doesn’t involve certain working conditions. Medical reasons, religious faith and gender identity can also be grounds to justify your request for consideration.

Medical Reasons

Some men cannot shave their beards because it irritates their skin. Pseudofolliculitis barbae, or PFB, is a chronic condition that entails inflammation in the skin caused by shaving. Up to 60% of Black men can experience this, which may result from their tightly curled hair.

In some cases, PFB is viewed as a disability, which can warrant your beard protection from the Americans with Disabilities Act. However, it depends on the severity of the lesions. Request a doctor’s note and submit it to employers for evaluation.

Religious Faith

People of certain religions cannot shave or cut their hair. For example, Sikh men don’t shave their beards because it’s seen as a blessing. To cut their hair would be an act of turning their back on their religious faith.

There was a recent court case where Sikh men were denied entry to the Marine Corps unless they shaved their facial hair. A court recently ruled they can serve and train under the force even without shaving as a sign of respect for their belief.

Gender Identity

Facial hair can serve as gender affirmation for trans men and other nonconforming persons under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella. It is possible to use the right to gender expression as a core argument for your appeal against a clean shaven policy.

However, it’s important to recognize that identity may hold less weight than other reasons. Employers may argue that their rejection is to avoid any bias between cisgender and noncisgender employees, applying their guidelines to both parties instead.

Shaving for the Workplace

How you present yourself in the workplace matters a lot, especially to employers. Some companies are lax, while others enforce a strong clean shaven policy. Try to find a compromise in your situation to maintain your individuality and adhere to the grooming guidelines.

Important Grooming Tips for Athletes

Strength and speed are critical in sports, but you should also consider your appearance. Hair, skin and nails go a long way in determining your comfort and confidence, so grooming isn’t something to take lightly. How can you look, smell and feel your best before and after workouts?

Grooming Tips

What Grooming Tips Should Athletes Know?

Caring for your body before and after workouts is key. Incorporate these grooming tips daily to improve your hygiene, whether you’re heading to work or a date after working out.

Try Cold Showers

The thought of cold showers can be intimidating. I’ll admit that I wasn’t a fan, but I’ve become accustomed to chilly water. I can’t go back because now I embrace it.

Why do people take cold showers? Research has demonstrated the benefits of sitting under a cool waterfall in your bathtub. A 2022 report shows cold water exposure can aid your immune system by producing T-cells and antibodies. Your immune system will thank you even if the cold water initially feels too much to handle.

Athletes benefit from cold showers because they help muscles after a workout. Soreness is commonplace after physical activity, so immersing yourself in cool water constricts your blood vessels and mitigates swelling.

The benefits sound great, but acclimating yourself to cold showers is challenging. Make the transition easier by gradually lowering the water temperature with each bath. This strategy was more sustainable for me than quitting hot showers cold turkey.

Wear Good Deodorant

Working up a sweat is the goal of your workouts. However, body odor is an unfortunate side effect of exercise. Your skin starts to smell bad when bacteria mix with the salt and water from your sweat. Various medical conditions — such as overactive thyroid or kidney disease — can exaggerate and worsen the scent.

The athlete’s solution for body odor is a powerful deodorant or antiperspirant. These products are essential if you exercise outside in the summer. Antiperspirants wield aluminum salts to reduce the amount of sweat coming from your underarms. While it won’t stop the smell completely, you’ll feel more confident that those around you can’t detect it. I always keep antiperspirant and deodorant on hand. Exercising before work necessitates this grooming routine for me.

Consider Your Sport

Body hair is a crucial detail for athletes and comes with differing opinions. Some guys prefer a clean-shaven face and well-groomed hair, whereas others don’t mind flowing locks and a Viking beard. Preference is critical here, but you should consider your sport when trimming your hair.

For instance, swimmers often remain clean-shaven to improve performance in the water. Michael Phelps and other elite swimmers have meticulously shaved to become more hydrodynamic, akin to marine life. Shaving hair can improve your lap times because you’re reducing drag.

Safety is also a consideration when it comes to dangerous contact sports. The CPSC reports that American football leads to almost 400,000 serious injuries each year due to its physicality. While beards are common among athletes, most elect to keep them carefully groomed to avoid having them caught or pulled in a tackle. Some sports teams, most notably the New York Yankees, have gone as far as to have strict rules about their players’ facial hair.

Develop a Routine

Regardless of your preferences, a routine is vital to keeping your appearance sharp. Find time in the morning, afternoon, or evening to shave or trim your hair. Maintaining your hygiene will make you feel more confident in your workouts and during the rest of your day. Creating and sticking to a schedule has benefits that extend to your mental health. Experts say effective routines help your stress and anxiety levels and improve your well-being.

Many swimmers prioritize pool time at least 1-3 times weekly. Lap times are typically better when shaving body hair, making swimmers up to two percent more aerodynamic. Shaving before swimming has also been shown to increase skin sensitivity and help prevent friction resulting in chafed thighs.

Care for Your Beard

Grooming Tips

Beards have a long history of male confidence. Research shows our ancestors associated facial hair with strength, attractiveness and health. If you have a beard, don’t take it for granted because physical activity can affect it. For example, friction from a helmet can cause ingrown hairs and unwanted pain.

Your routine should include beard maintenance to help your comfort and athletic performance. Trim your beard before matches and practices to ensure it doesn’t interfere with your vision.

Shower and apply beard oil when your workout is over. My favorite has a soothing sandalwood smell and conditions and moisturizes my beard while keeping a well-groomed appearance.

What Lesser-Known Tips Do Some Guys Forget?

Beard care and antiperspirant may be obvious for hygiene. However, a holistic approach to your cleanliness is vital for comfort and performance. Here are some lesser-known areas guys forget to check.

Feet Washing

Most sports require shoes and socks to protect your feet and enhance athletic performance. One downside is your feet can get sweaty and risk infections — such as athlete’s foot — if you’re not careful. You could contract this infection from someone else, so thoroughly wash your feet and socks to care for your body. Athlete’s foot is more pressing if you share shoes or walk barefoot in the locker room, so be mindful of this infection.

Sunscreen Spots

Sunscreen isn’t only for beach days. This product is essential when you’re outside for long stretches, so get the SPF best for your skin. Remember to apply sunscreen behind your ears and other easy-to-miss areas because sunburn is the last thing you want. Athletes with photodamage may wrinkle and lose skin tone because of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays.


If you don’t skip leg day, you probably know what chafing feels like. Frequent movement can cause chafing and rashes after exercise, so use balm before your workout. This product is useful when running or cycling because you repeat the same leg movements.

Feeling Cool and Confident

Grooming is standard for job interviews, dates and weddings. However, body care also affects athletes and their performance. Maintaining proper hygiene can boost your confidence in the weight room and the workplace. Center your routine on what works for you and stick with it. Your body will appreciate it.

Can UV Exposure Stunt Facial Hair Growth?

Conflicting opinions on ultraviolet (UV) radiation’s effects on facial hair circle around. Some people claim clear skies are beneficial for beards and mustaches. Others warn against sunbathing when trying to grow impressive facial hair. Which side of the fence is right?

The truth lies in the middle. Understand how the sun influences facial hair growth to know how therapeutic and destructive it can be.

UV Exposure

Does Sunlight Stop Facial Hair Growth?

No, sunlight doesn’t stop facial hair growth. On the contrary, the sun stimulates it. Solar radiation helps you grow the Chevron, a burly beard, a goatee, mutton chops, sideburns or whatever style your DNA permits. That’s because it’s an essential ingredient for vitamin D production.

Sunlight contains ultraviolet B (UVB) light that turns a chemical in your skin into vitamin D. Healthy levels of vitamin D — as well as vitamins A, B7 and C — allow your body to generate plenty of testosterone and convert some of it into dihydrotestosterone, a hormone vital in facial hair growth.

Timing matters to produce an adequate amount of this sunshine vitamin. The best time of day for sun exposure is midday. Experts suggest exposing your face, hands, arms and legs to sunlight without protection for 5-30 minutes between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. is crucial in preventing vitamin D deficiency. This period lets you get a safe dose of UVB radiation efficiently.

The recommendation may not apply to all, though. Race plays a role in vitamin D production because of melanin. This pigment is responsible for skin color and is a natural sunscreen protecting skin from damage from excessive sunlight exposure.

People with more melanin have to spend more time under the sun than those with less of it to stimulate facial hair growth. That’s why lighter-skinned individuals can produce sufficient vitamin D fast. In contrast, darker-skinned people need more prolonged UV exposure to create the same amount of the nutrient.

Does UV Light Stop Hair Growth?

UV light is a double-edged sword. It doesn’t stop hair growth but can damage beards and mustaches. This solar radiation can burn away the protective oils coating individual strands. Without them, your facial hair is more vulnerable to sun damage.

The more brittle your hair becomes, the less effective it is at safeguarding the skin underneath from UV rays. Less natural protection against sunlight increases your risk of skin diseases, including cancer.

Moreover, UV can change hair color. Overexposure to this invisible light can break down your hair’s melanin pigments, causing any hair on your face to appear lighter. Melanin helps combat the undesirable effects of excessive sun exposure, so losing it in your hair is bad news for your health.

How to Ensure Healthy Facial Hair Growth When It’s Sunny

Follow these five tips to grow and maintain healthy facial hair during months when the sun is at its most intense.

1.   Limit Sun Exposure

Rule number one is to catch some sun moderately. What’s moderate depends on your natural skin color. If you have lighter skin, you only need a small window to produce enough vitamin D your body needs to grow facial hair, so avoid basking — or baking — in the sun for too long.

Aside from damaging your facial hair, getting too much UV radiation increases your risk of skin cancer — a growing health concern. It affects more people than other cancers. Skin cancer is so prevalent no less than 20% of Americans will likely get it by the time they reach 70.

Avoiding UV rays is challenging anywhere, even at home. The sun can penetrate your indoor spaces deeply, leaving you with few hiding spots. Fortunately, there are viable solutions to protect yourself without wearing sunscreen. Growing trees and thick foliage around your home or switching to energy-efficient windows will significantly reduce your chance of unexpected UV overexposure.

2.   Moisturize With UV Protection

Using a moisturizer prevents dryness due to washing your facial hair during warm months. Choose a product with Sun Protection Factor 30 or higher to keep your beard hydrated while rendering most of the UV radiation hitting your face harmless.

3.   Put a Premium on Grooming

Split ends indicate damaged hair. You can’t undo them, so you should trim them to give your facial hair a chance to regrow stronger and healthier.

Contrary to popular belief, shaving your face doesn’t accelerate facial hair growth rate. Observe how fast your beard can grow to your desired thickness to determine your suitable trimming frequency.

If you have a patchy beard, shave off the sparse strands to look neat because they’re too far from each other to cover your skin. Use a traditional razor instead of an electric trimmer to avoid having a five o’clock shadow.

4.   Wear Sunscreen

Applying sunscreen to your facial hair sounds strange, but it works like a charm. Utilize a moisturizer with SPF to both keep your beard feeling fresh and protect it from the sun. It can protect your beard from sun damage if you coat your hair with it thoroughly and reapply it every once in a while.

While you’re at it, use some on the skin under your beard. It can complement your facial hair’s sunlight-blocking prowess, keeping the skin where your beard grows healthy. Keep in mind that you’ll want to utilize a chemical sunscreen to avoid leaving a white cast on your skin.

5.   Wear a Beard Cover

A beard cover is more of protective gear than a fashion item. It’s something you wear when you have to be under the sun in unshaded areas for long periods because of your job.

This device can only block some sunlight because it’s porous. Still, it’s better than wearing nothing and leaving your facial hair bare.

Healthy Is the Beard the Sun Shines On

Sunlight is a non-negotiable requirement to grow as much facial hair as your genes let you. UV rays can be damaging, but they’re not the enemy — overexposure is. Be mindful of how much daylight your skin absorbs and when you receive it to stay in the shade no less than you must.