Does Your Diet Impact Your Facial Hair Growth?

A man’s diet is one of the most overlooked contributors to his beard health. While your beard’s shape and thickness largely come down to genetics, your eating habits can also have a significant impact on facial hair growth. In this guide, we’ll help you understand the connection between food and facial hair and review some key dietary adjustments to make.

facial hair growth

The Science of Facial Hair Growth

Although you may treat your facial hair differently, it has the same makeup as the rest of your hair. Every single hair follicle has the same growing process, which starts at the roots underneath your skin. These “hair bulbs” frequently grow new cells that form new strands of hair, but only some of them poke through the epidermis and are visible to the naked eye.

On average, a hair strand should grow 1 centimeter per month, assuming the person has an active lifestyle and adequate diet. This number can differ based on factors such as gender, age and individual genetics. Most men between 15 and 30 years old are naturally at the upper end of the hair growth spectrum, thanks to their higher testosterone levels.

You could use beard oil to help the growth phase, but growth stimulants work best if you combine them with healthy and beneficial lifestyle choices. You must replenish your hair follicles with organic nutrients as well as hair care products if you want your beard to reach its full potential. That’s where your diet comes into play.

Testosterone-Boosting Foods

For most men, testosterone levels peak in their late teens and early twenties. That means their beards may experience a decline in thickness as they reach full maturity. If you’re experiencing this, you could get a natural testosterone boost by changing your eating habits. The following foods are excellent sources of testosterone:

  • Spinach
  • Beans
  • Oysters
  • Coconut
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Fatty fish

Alternatively, you could take a testosterone booster supplement instead of changing your diet. These supplements directly raise your DHT levels and can lead to fast facial hair growth. However, there is a major risk involved if you’re prone to balding. A sudden spike of DHT can accelerate hair loss and make your beard look worse, not better.

In case you haven’t noticed the theme yet, it’s always best to take a natural approach over an artificial “quick fix” when it comes to your health. Improving your diet might have slower results, but it’s much better than taking hair growth supplements that could backfire in the future.

Daily Protein Intake

Protein is the key macronutrient that stimulates facial hair growth. Hair follicles primarily consist of keratin, the main protein structure that makes up skin, nails and internal organs. Getting frequent servings of beef, chicken, eggs and dairy products can help you maintain high keratin levels and healthy hair follicles.

High daily protein intake is also an important part of maintaining your peak testosterone levels as you get older. To prevent your skin from getting irritated and breaking out, apply a shaving cream or oil and use a straight razor when shaving.

Healthy Fats

Healthy fats are always unsaturated, which means they don’t create fatty acid deposits in your bloodstream. Instead, they remain liquid and flow through your bloodstream, providing much more nutritional value with none of the health risks.

Omega-3 fatty acids are particularly beneficial for facial hair growth because they strengthen your cell walls and keep your skin, nails and hair healthy. They can also work wonders for your cardiovascular system, which makes them more important as you get older.

Ideally, most of your healthy fats should come from seafood, which is an abundant source of omega-3 fatty acids and high in protein as well. Oysters, clams and crabs are great sources, and they may boost your testosterone in the process. Avocados, nuts and seeds are also viable options.

If allergies or dietary restrictions prevent you from eating seafood, you can also take a fish oil supplement. Fish oil has proven to help with hair growth by delaying the catagen phase and increasing the number of hairs in the anagen phase.

Vitamins and Minerals

Your diet must be rich in vitamins and minerals if you want healthy facial hair. Perhaps the most important nutrient worth mentioning is Vitamin D. Although the vitamin itself doesn’t lead to more hair growth, your body’s Vitamin D receptors help the skin produce more hair follicles and restore old hair growth.

Your facial hair will also benefit from a consistent supply of the following nutrients, vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin A: This vitamin helps the skin produce stay moisturized and combat acne. Leafy greens and tomatoes are two good sources.
  • Vitamin C: Plays a key role in the healing process of body tissue, including the skin and hair. Berries, oranges, lemons and potatoes are the main foods with this vitamin.
  • Biotin: As a core ingredient in keratin production, biotin is the main protein that makes up your follicles. Bananas are the prime sources, but some rare berries have biotin as well.
  • Zinc: Zinc is a useful nutrient that boosts immune system function. It’s plentiful in red meat, poultry and seafood.
  • Iron: Iron is the main producer of hemoglobin, which is responsible for supplying organs with oxygen. Whole grains and beans are great sources.

Eating all of the foods mentioned above isn’t mandatory, but you should get a sufficient amount of fruits, vegetables and whole grains every day. There are also supplements available for virtually every nutrient. They will help you unlock your beard’s full potential and contribute to a much healthier lifestyle overall.

Healthy Diet, Healthy Beard

Eating the right foods won’t guarantee that you grow a full, luscious beard. Your genetics still determine whether you can grow a complete beard or not.

However, you can get the absolute most out of your facial hair by eating testosterone-boosting foods, increasing your daily protein intake, mixing in some healthy fats and getting your daily serving of key vitamins and minerals. A healthy diet ensures a healthy beard.

Shaving Tips for Men With Sensitive Skin

Shaving facial hair is an uncomfortable experience for men with sensitive skin. Redness and irritation set in almost immediately after the razor touches your skin, making it practically impossible to finish the job. Then, when your face finally recovers, it’s time to shave again. If you have fallen into this vicious cycle, these shaving tips will be your saving grace.

shaving cream for men

1.   Choose the Right Razor

First and foremost, you must choose the right razor to get a clean shave. A cheap disposable version isn’t doing your skin any favors. The blades must be sharp so they glide over your face and slice through the hairs without aggravating the follicles and roots beneath the skin. There are two razor categories to choose from:

  • Manual: Manual razors are the traditional options, containing one to six blades. The best type is the single-blade straight razor that men have used since ancient times. Fewer blades equal a closer shave and less irritation.
  • Electric: Electric razors are also serviceable for sensitive skin, especially if they have blade attachments that naturally conform to your face’s shape. You’re also less likely to make a mistake or cut yourself with an electric razor.

A manual razor will be the better choice for most sensitive-skinned guys. Electric razors require you to perform a dry shave, which increases the risk of skin irritation and often leads to acne. Additionally, the dozens of tiny blades on electric razors are more likely to scrape off dermal cells and dry your skin.

On the other hand, combining a simple manual straight razor with shaving cream for men will make the experience as comfortable as possible. Your skin will stay cool, and the solitary blade will have no trouble cutting through stubborn hairs.

2.   Keep the Blades Clean

Once you find the perfect razor, you must do your best to keep the blades clean. Even the best razor blades will cause skin irritation after a few shaves. Once they get dull, you need to sharpen them or replace them with new blades. This type of maintenance requires in-depth knowledge of your razor’s various parts and how they’re supposed to work.

If you choose an electric razor, you must lubricate the blades instead of sharpening them. Most electric razor kits come with a small container of mineral oil. Just put a few drops of oil on the blades at every shave and your razor will last for the foreseeable future. Having a full charge will also make the process easier on your skin.

No matter which razor you choose, the overarching goal is the same — always keeping the blades clean. Don’t let them accumulate dead skin and old hairs. Take a few minutes out of your day to sharpen or lubricate the blades for the sake of your skin’s health.

3.   Exfoliate Before Shaving

Now it’s time to get down to shaving. Exfoliate your skin before applying shaving cream. Showering or washing your face with warm water removes dirt and bacteria and washes away dead skin particles. It also opens up your facial pores, loosening up the hairs so they dislodge more easily.

All these benefits combine to make your skin as smooth as possible. Smooth skin will allow the blades to move around without obstruction. Your first time shaving after exfoliating will be nothing like your previous experiences. As long as you use the proper shaving technique, there will be no nicks, redness or swelling.

4.   Add Shaving Cream or Oil

You can finally apply your shaving cream once you’ve exfoliated. However, you shouldn’t use your hands because they’re oily and abrasive. Instead, you should use a shaving brush with fine hairs to apply the cream. It will be softer and stimulate blood flow beneath the skin to help with the exfoliating process.

You can also create a homemade beard oil recipe with anti-inflammatory essential oils such as clove, peppermint and cinnamon. Some people also use baby or olive oil to smooth the skin before shaving. Store your homemade beard oil at room temperature and monitor it for freshness.

5.   Shave With the Grain

Before applying your favorite shaving cream for men, take a moment to learn the correct way to shave. Some men can get away with shaving from any angle, but guys with sensitive skin always need to go with the grain. Facial hair usually grows downward around the mustache, chin and cheeks, but it also grows upward on the neck. Study your beard’s growth patterns and determine which way you’re supposed to shave.

You also need to apply the right amount of pressure on your skin. Razors in good condition will slice through your facial hair with ease. Don’t push down on your skin too hard or you’ll be more likely to cut yourself or cause painful irritation.

6.   Use a Daily Moisturizer

You have all the fundamentals — getting the right razor, finding a good shaving cream for men, exfoliating your skin and going with the grain. However, you must also focus on daily maintenance habits to keep your sensitive skin healthy. The most important thing is moisturization.

You must replenish your skin with nutrients every day so it has the strength to tolerate shaving and doesn’t develop acne. Malnourished skin is more likely to dry up, crack and become irritated. You should also eat more foods with nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acids to replenish your skin cells.

7.   Prioritize Your Hydration

This final tip is the simplest of them all — stay hydrated. It’s impossible to overstate how important hydration is to your skin’s health. When your skin has plenty of water, it’s soft, flexible and easy to shave on. Dehydration causes brittleness and makes shaving more difficult since the blade will drag.

The recommended daily amount of water is about 15.5 cups daily or 3.7 liters for adult men. Following this basic benchmark will do your skin a huge favor.

Enjoy a Better Shave and Healthier Skin

As long as you follow these essentials, shaving won’t be a hassle anymore. Get yourself a high-quality razor and shaving cream for men, add exfoliation to your routine, shave with the grain, moisturize your face daily and drink plenty of water. If you check these boxes, you’ll enjoy a better shave and healthier skin for years to come. Although choosing the right shaving cream for men might sound easy, there are a lot of bad options out there. Be sure to try our Signature Shave Cream for a high quality shaving experience.

Why More Men Are Using High-Quality Beauty Cosmetics

Men's Shaving

Thanks to the evolution of social media and the power of suggestion, the “metrosexual” is making a comeback. This hybrid form of masculine man looks as polished and preened as well-dressed women, and there is an additional factor that is now coming into play for men which is the adoption and use of high-quality beauty cosmetics.

From eyeliner to blush and moisturizer, men want to look and feel their best as they step out the door too. Gone are the days when shaggy beards are considered acceptable wear; men want to tailor their looks and be properly manicured when it comes to presenting themselves for public view. Why is this?

Dad’s habits aren’t cutting it anymore

Most of us have been taking our grooming cues from Dad, and although that worked for some time, we want more of a piece of the multi-billion dollar beauty industry that makes you ladies look and smell so good. Most dads weren’t the greatest teachers when it came to methods of shaving, aftershave, and moisturization; they would show rather than to educate, and it was up to us to figure out the semantics. It wasn’t enough to watch him use a safety razor, or to wave the shaving brush around in imitation of Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber, we needed some tutoring. Some of us were successful, some of us were left in the dust. At some point, we decided that we needed more out of our grooming routine.

We desire to be more attractive

Hollywood and media have really raised the bar when it comes to what is possible for men and beauty. Simply put, we want to make ourselves attractive to our mates, and we want to be competitive when it comes to appearing desirable to others. The array of products and services that are now available to women AND men make it easier to find things that enhance our natural, god-given attributes. Look out, ladies, you might just have some competition in the being attractive department.

Men want to be manicured and stylish too

More and more frequently, men are looking to shave companies to get a manicured look and healthy skin that exudes confidence. A straight razor kit that arrives magically at your home is now available from companies such as, Harry’s and Dollar Shave Club. These clubs are taking the men’s cosmetic industry by storm.

Clean, close shaves and healthy-looking skin are something that most guys want nowadays; gone are the days when a quick shave with a safety razor does the trick; men want more from their grooming routines. These popular shave clubs and the products they offer including a straight razor kit, shaving brush, and aftershave are quite common, and they come to your doorstep for a fraction of the price that a professional shave at a salon would cost you. More and more men are signing up for these clubs in anticipation of cleaner, healthier, smoother skin than ever before.

A typical skincare package for men

Regardless of the store you choose to purchase from, there are some essentials that come in most basic kits; men’s beauty care items that you can use to improve both your complexion and your toiletry collection. These items include:

1. Straight razor kit

These kits cater to the man who just wants to get business done in the bathroom, and they don’t fancy themselves needing the extra fluff and frills that come with some kits. A word of caution, though—these kids should only be used by experienced shavers; those with less experience or a more rugged terrain should consider the use of a safety razor to eliminate unsightly bumps and cuts.

2. Safety razor

Safety Razor Kit

When you are feeling a little unsteady, or if you do not have a lot of experience with shaving, consider using a safety razor to help reduce irritation. You’ll still get the clean, close shave of a regular razor, but you won’t have all of the added stress of trying not to cut yourself when you are in a hurry.

3. Shaving brush

Shaving Brush

A shaving brush is perfect for slathering on rich, foamy shaving cream; it will help to stimulate blood flow beneath the skin and get rid of dead skin cells that might dull your complexion. Make sure to rinse the brush out thoroughly in between uses.

4. Aftershave


After you have subjected your skin to a wet shave, it is always a good idea to apply aftershave. You’ll soothe irritation, condition your cleaned skin, and with unique blends of botanicals and essential oils, you’ll look and smell great!

Men want to look and feel their best, even when on a budget. Rock your beautiful self, and look forward to using all of the wonderful products that are at your disposal to uncover your most attractive and vibrant you!

5 Reasons Why Your Groomsmen Will Love A Safety Razor

Getting something special for the groomsmen…

While your groomsmen are expected to get gifts for you and the bride, tradition also requires you to choose a gift for each of the men you’ve invited to be a part of your big day. Picking out the right gifts for your groomsmen can be difficult . This is why we’ve put together these five simple reasons why a safety razor is the best gift any of your groomsmen could ever hope to receive.

1. Safety Razors Are Gifts Your Groomsmen Will Treasure Forever

Safety Razor

Your groomsmen are used to getting tacky gifts at weddings that they never use. They take these gifts out of courtesy, but in reality, they’d be happier getting something useful that memorializes the experience of helping their best buds get hitched. You can stand out as a good groom by getting your groomsmen gifts that they can keep forever without getting tired of them.

Whether your groomsmen use the safety razors you pick for them or not, they’ll never get tired of looking at these keepsakes whenever they open their medicine cabinets or come across them during their daily routine. Safety razors are durable, which means that your groomsmen can use them for years without wearing them out. Better yet, these shaving implements are compact, which means that your groomsmen can add them to their collections of keepsakes without taking up too much precious space.

2. Safety Razors Are Timeless and Enjoyable Shaving Accessories

There’s a reason that safety razors have been around forever; while plenty of other shaving accessories have come and gone, these timeless razors have proven their worth again and again. Generations of men have looked to safety razors to give them clean shaves day in and day out, and giving your groomsmen these special razors can give them the opportunity to be part of a time-honored tradition of manhood.

Omega Shaving Brush 63171

While shaving with a traditional cartridge razor gets old fast, there’s something about shaving with a single blade that remains fresh no matter how many times you do it. Being able to switch between blades is convenient, and ditching your stubble down the drain with a single blade feels more elegant and manly than relying on multiple blades and lubricating strips to get the job done. Unlike straight razors, safety razors aren’t dangerous, but they still evoke the ruggedness and simplicity that has defined manhood since the dawn of time.

3. Safety Razors Save Money in the Long Run

There’s no getting around the fact that safety razors often cost more than cartridge razors right off the bat. However, your groomsmen will appreciate the money that they’ll be able to save in the long run with your thoughtful gift.

Safety Razor & Groomsmen Gifts

The cost of cartridges for razors can add up fast. Even if you use the same cartridge for an entire month, you will still go through 12 cartridges every year, and the best razor cartridges don’t come cheap.

Safety razor blades, on the other hand, are surprisingly inexpensive. These blades are so cheap, as a matter of fact, that you could use a new one every time you shave and still spend far less than you’d pay to use a new razor cartridge every month. No matter how well off he is, every man is proud of his frugality, and getting safety razors for your groomsmen will appeal to the best qualities of the men who serve such important roles in your life.

Safety Razor

4. Safety Razors Make Your Skin Look and Feel Better

If any of your groomsmen have sensitive skin, they’ll have all the more reason to treasure your thoughtful gift. Generations of men who have used straight razors can attest that these razors are better for your skin and give you a better shave.

Because the blades in safety razors are fully exposed, they can get closer to your skin. The closer the blade in your razor gets to your skin, the smoother your shave will be, and the longer your face will look like it’s hair-free. These types of razors also give you more control of the shaving process; a single blade is easier to get into areas, such as the spot next to your ears or under your nose, that can be hard to shave with cartridge razors.

Safety razors are especially perfect for men who have sensitive skin. If any of your groomsmen have suffered from acne, ingrown hairs, or skin irritation after shaving, giving them these handy razors will make you look like a true hero. While cartridge razors can needlessly irritate your skin and cause breakouts, the simplicity of safety razors makes it possible for these time-honored shaving tools to get rid of your facial scruff without leaving any disasters in their wake.

5. Safety Razors Break with Convention to Make Your Wedding Memorable

Your groomsmen are tired of getting the same old gift at every wedding. They already have enough flasks, shot glasses, and hunting hatchets to last a lifetime, and to be honest, they’ll probably never use most of the gifts they’ve gotten from other weddings. At best, they’ll use them infrequently, and these gifts will spend most of their time in the garage or the closet.

Safety razors are another matter. While not every man will fall in love with this type of razor, there’s a good chance that one or more of your groomsmen will use his safety razor every day. Every morning when he gets up, he’ll reach for the razor you got him and remember the amazing time he had being the rock of your wedding and seeing you off into your happily married life.

While safety razors are practical gifts for groomsmen, they also evoke the rugged and raw manhood that has made you guys such great friends since you were kids. You still have lots of years ahead to make new memories, and a safety razor is the perfect gift to keep the memory of your wedding fresh forever.