How To Make Your Shave Last Longer

Every many loves the feeling of having a freshly shaved face. Whether you get five o’clock shadow at noon or you still look baby-faced 24 hours later, however, no clean shave lasts forever. Learn more about how using the best shaving cream and a safety razor to shave against the grain can give you the longest possible period between shaves.

1. Use a High-Quality Razor

Edwin Jagger DE86BL

If you want your shave to last a long time, you can’t get the job done with a run-of-the-mill razor. Instead, you’ll need to give yourself the kind of shave that only a safety razor can provide.

Since a safety razor only uses one blade, it’s easy to position this type of razor exactly where you need it to get rid of your stubble in the most efficient way possible. Since blades for safety razors are cheap, you won’t have to keep using an old razor just to save money; as soon as your current blade starts to lose its sharpness, you can switch to the other side or swap out your safety razor blade altogether.

2. Shave Against the Grain

Once you have your safety razor, remember that you have to shave against the grain to get the best possible results. Not even the best shaving cream in the world will help you if you use the wrong techniques to shave with your safety razor, and shaving the wrong way could even result in nicks and cuts.

When you shave against the grain, your safety razor cuts deep into the hair follicle to separate it as close to the surface of your skin as possible. While it takes more time to shave against the grain than it does to shave with the grain, you’ll leave stubble behind unless you make an effort to shave against the grain every day.

Paired with the best shaving cream you can find, this simple technique will leave you with a smooth face all throughout the day. If your facial hair grows relatively slowly, shaving against the grain with a precise and ultra-sharp safety razor may keep your face hair-free for a day or even longer.

3. Make the Experience More Enjoyable with a Top-Notch Shaving Cream

Best Shaving Cream

Even if you have the best shaving tools ever designed at your disposal, you won’t get the shave you’re looking for if you use sub-par shaving cream. For shaving against the grain and using a high-quality razor to pay off, you’ll need to use the best shaving cream around to facilitate the shaving process and keep your face comfortable before, during, and after your shave.

Here at Original Shave Company, we know a thing or two about shaving cream. We’ve poured all our extensive experience and love of shaving into our Signature Shaving Cream, so we’re absolutely sure it’s the best shaving cream on the market if you want to get a close and comfortable shave every time.

The wrong shaving cream can make shaving a chore. When every pass against the grain feels like you’re hacking down jungle vines with a rusty machete, you know you’re doing something wrong. If shaving feels like passing a hot knife through butter, however, you can be positive that you’ve found the best shaving cream for your skin. Using the right shaving cream can make the process of shaving easier, but it can also make your face look healthier and more robust. Our Signature Shaving Cream contains all the ingredients your sensitive skin needs to heal from the shaving process, and it will help your skin look smooth and soft all through the day.

7 Tips To Consider Before Your Date Night

The Do’s and Don’t of having a great date night

First Night

Date night is special. Whether this is your first time out with a potential partner or you’re taking your wife out on the town for a special occasion, you’ll want to make sure that your grooming is up to par and you have an aftershave that plays the part. The secret to giving her a night she won’t forget doesn’t end there, though; check out our top tips for pulling off the perfect date night.

1. Make a Good Impression By Grooming


Whether you’ve known the girl you’re going out with tonight for years or you’ve just met, putting yourself in a good light as a partner is all-important. Even if grooming isn’t usually your thing, put in the extra effort to show off your manliness and responsibility.

If you’re starting to get scraggly, consider getting a haircut and shaving. Keeping a consistent grooming routine enables you to not scramble last minute to look right before your date. You should take a shower before you go out, and give yourself a quick shave when you’re getting ready even if you already shaved this morning. After you get out of the shower, put on an aftershave that you think will do the trick; while you don’t want to overpower her with your odor, smelling nice when she gets up close is a definite plus.

2. Make It Rain

Okay, we don’t really recommend that you casually flick a stack of dollar bills onto your potential girlfriend on your first date. However, showing up with no cash in your wallet is a great way to go home disappointed.

Don’t rely on credit cards to get the job done. Not every restaurant allows you to pay with a credit/debit card. Remember, you’ll also have to pay your driver or your valet if your date spot is fancy enough and this is always done in the smoothest manner with cash.

We don’t expect you to wear pinkie rings and show up in a Bugatti. We do, however, expect you to have around $200 in cash in your wallet that you can flex if the situation calls for it.

3. Impress Her with Your Ride

Just because you can rent a Lamborghini for the night doesn’t mean you have to. Most girls don’t actually care how expensive your ride is. While she probably won’t look twice at the logo on your trunk, your date will be keeping a close eye on another aspect of your car.

There’s no easier way to make a bad first impression than showing up in a dirty car. Pick those wrappers up off the floor, use some glass cleaner on your interior windows, and most importantly, make sure there are no crumbs on the passenger’s seat.

If you aren’t confident in your automotive grooming skills, get the job professionally done. Consider the potential benefits of getting a full detailing service; you’ll thank us for this tip if your night goes well.

4. Being a Gentleman Is Timeless

Women love men who can provide for them. Don’t be overbearing, but offer to go the extra mile to show off your reliability (and your aftershave) for all to notice.

When you’re out on a first date, don’t make physical contact unless it’s clearly okay. However, there’s nothing stopping you from opening the car door for her when you pick her up. You should probably stop short of buckling her seatbelt, though.

Unless she absolutely refuses, insist on picking her up for your date. Don’t be a creep, and don’t ask for her address unless she’s comfortable with you extending this courtesy. Make every effort, however, to show that you’re available to save her from the annoyance of getting to the date location on her own.

5. Pay Close Attention

Without being a stalker, watch your date’s every move. Learn everything you can about her likes and dislikes, and start putting together an idea of who she is and what she stands for.

If you don’t pay adequate attention to your date, you’ll end the night still being strangers even if you hit it off without a problem. Women appreciate men who treat them as individuals, but more than that, it’s important to learn about your date if you’re serious about your potential relationship. The things you learn while you’re out having a good time may translate into anniversary or birthday gifts in years to come.

6. Don’t Let Things Get Boring

Letting the conversation die out will make things awkward fast. While you might prefer the passive approach, it’s your job to keep the date interesting, and no amount of shuffling her from place to place will make up for a lack of good conversation.

Unless you know your date really well, you should steer clear of potentially controversial topics. For example, politics, religion, your personal opinion on the Keeping Up With The Kardashians show, etc. Instead, focus on subjects that you can both talk about without hurting any feelings or causing any awkwardness.

To make sure that things stay smooth, you should consider writing down five eligible conversation topics. Jot these ideas down as a note on your phone to make it easy to refresh your memory.

7. Enjoy Yourself within Reason

When you’re trying to give a good impression of yourself to a female companion on your first date, you don’t want to look like a stick in the mud. However, you also don’t want to come across as a belligerent lush.

Stick to the two-drink rule when you’re out on a date; never drink more than you can handle, and never appear intoxicated in front of your companion. Just don’t forget to buy all her drinks like a true gentleman.

To beard or not to beard, that is the question.

Thinking about letting your facial hair grow wild? Let us break it down for you…


There’s one question that has plagued men since time immemorial: Are beards the best, or is a clean shave the way to go? Throughout the history of civilization, beards have gone in and out of style dozens of times. These days, men can choose their facial hair styles freely, but this freedom comes with a cost; as a modern man, you are burdened with the responsibility of deciding between shaving cream and beard oil whenever you shop for grooming goods online. In this guide, we’ll answer all your questions about beards, and we’ll help you make the hard decision between a smooth, clean shave and a beautiful beard dripping with beard oil.

Do Women Like the scruff?

beautiful woman

Let’s face it, guys: Most of the things we do, we do to impress members of the opposite sex. Whether we’re looking for girlfriends or trying to show our wives that we’ve got what it takes, we’re constantly on the lookout for new techniques to impress women with our rugged manliness.

However, do women like beards, or do they prefer the smoothness that comes after a meticulous wet shave? According to Psychology Today, the answer to this question is anything but simple. It seems that women prefer men with light stubble as long-term partners, but they view men with long beards as the most aggressive and socially mature. What’s more, women think that men with short facial hair are the most dominant.

The good news for men who like a nice wet shave or who have stocked up on a lifetime supply of shaving cream is that you have to shave relatively frequently to get the stubble that women desire in sexual partners. While women might not give you the time of day for the first 24 hours or so after you shave, once your clean shave wears off and your stubble sets in, the time will be right to hit the club or flex at the gym.

If you’re looking for a long-term relationship or you’re trying to show the mother of your children that you’re an epic provider, however, you might want to ditch the shaving cream temporarily and invest heavily in beard oil. The research is clear that women see men with full facial hair as being more aggressive, dominant, and mature, and your committed partner might even lose respect for you if you say goodbye to beards and end it all with a luxurious wet shave.

While the allure of a clean shave might fit in well in a boardroom or a job interview, beards are the way to go if you want to hit it off with the ladies. Just don’t forget to keep some shaving cream on hand in case the science on this subject ever changes.

Long Beards vs. Neatly Trimmed Beards

Long Beard

Modern life can be hectic, and it can seem like you don’t have enough time for a wet shave every morning. Beards can look great in professional environments, but just make sure that you don’t overdo it.

No employer likes scraggly beards. This doesn’t mean that you should try to have a clean shave every time you show up for work, but you also shouldn’t let your facial hair run amok. In certain industries, long beards might be perfectly acceptable, but you should keep your facial hair well-trimmed no matter how long it gets.

There’s nothing worse than being forced to give yourself a wet shave after you suddenly learn your employer doesn’t like beards. If you like your beard, take care of it, or you might have to make a choice between a clean shave and losing your job sooner than you think.

Can You Have the Best of Both Worlds?

Groomed Beard

Please, we beg you: Don’t go for the neckbeard! Anything else, however, is fair game. Who said that you have to grow a long, scraggly beard? As long as you have a razor, there are a million and one different ways that you can creatively rock your facial hair.

Just because you have a beard doesn’t mean you have to abandon the luxury of a wet shave entirely. In fact, many men keep their beards in check by applying shaving cream to the areas around their necks and shaving every other day or so. Beards with clearly defined perimeters look more professional, and you can also use a straight razor or a safety razor to explore your facial hair possibilities to your heart’s content.

Straight Razor

Employers might like cleaner beards better than wild beards, and the ladies will appreciate the contrast between the ruggedness of your beard and its manicured edges. Just don’t get too creative; complicated mixes of facial hair and cleanly shaved skin look downright weird, and they’re hard to maintain day in and day out.

A World of Stylish Beards to Choose From

Every man should go down the bearded route at some point in his life. The question is, should you stop shaving now and let your beard go wild? As you debate the pros and cons of being bearded, consider some of the best beard styles that celebrities rock without a care in the world.

  1. The ZZ Top/Duck Dynasty Jungle
    These men know how to grow some serious facial hair! If you’ve ever been to a ZZ Top concert or watched an episode of Duck Dynasty, you probably stared in amazement at the waterfall of facial hair cascading off these famous celebrity faces. Not everyone can grow a beard like Dusty Hill or Phil Robertson, but if you can, you might as well flaunt it.
  2. The Mel Gibson Jehovah
    If it’s always been your dream to look like a biblical figure, you could learn a thing or two from Mel Gibson. This famous Hollywood actor and director has been cultivating his facial hair for decades now, and he so fully looks the part that it would only be natural to see Mel rolling in on a thundercloud shooting bolts of lightning from his fingertips. The Mel Gibson beard is anything but tame, but it’s polished enough to look right at home in a board room or a Michelin-starred restaurant.
  3. The Chris Hemsworth Stubble
    Remember what we said about women and stubble? Actor Chris Hemsworth pulls off this effect perfectly. While you’ll sometimes see Chris clean-shaven, he ditches the shaving cream just as frequently and lets a short beard grow out. If you want to remain popular with the opposite sex, just remember to give yourself a wet shave every week or so to keep things from getting out of hand.
  4. The LeBron James Masterpiece
    If you don’t mind taking half an hour out of your day to sculpt your face every day of the week, you might want to emulate the look that LeBron James has been perfecting. While he never lets his beard get much longer than thick stubble, he expertly deploys a clean shave around his mouth to disrupt the overpowering look that so many beards end up having.
  5. The Daniel Radcliffe Lounge
    This former Harry Potter lead proves that you can do a lot with very little. While the density of Radcliffe’s facial hair is nothing to write home about, his refusal to keep up with a daily wet shave has resulted in a thin layer of hair covering his upper lip and chin. Even if you can’t grow a full Mel Gibson beard, you can take a page from Daniel’s book and rock a short beard that will make you look as rugged and manly as possible.

Nobody Likes a Dirty Beard

Clean Shave

There’s a very simple reason many men end up avoiding beards altogether. The longer your facial hair becomes, the harder it is to maintain, and there’s nothing more embarrassing than a dirty beard. While beard oil keeps the skin under your beard healthy and makes sure that your facial hair stays nice and soft, applying this oil every day doesn’t do much to keep your beard clean.

If you want to make sure that your beard doesn’t get too dirty, you’ll need to wash it every day. Even though your facial hair is different from the hair on your head, you should use a beard wash and you may also want to bring a beard comb into the shower with you to make sure that you get all the accumulated gunk out of your facial hair.

Men with beards understand that having rugged facial hair requires constant vigilance. You have to be extra careful when you eat, and even spilled drinks can ruin the masculine appeal of your beard and drag strange smells with you wherever you go. Nonetheless, sporting an immaculately maintained beard is much more mainstream than it used to be, and as long as you can grow enough facial hair, the sky is the limit in terms of the epic beard styles you can try out.

5 Reasons Why Your Groomsmen Will Love A Safety Razor

Getting something special for the groomsmen…

While your groomsmen are expected to get gifts for you and the bride, tradition also requires you to choose a gift for each of the men you’ve invited to be a part of your big day. Picking out the right gifts for your groomsmen can be difficult . This is why we’ve put together these five simple reasons why a safety razor is the best gift any of your groomsmen could ever hope to receive.

1. Safety Razors Are Gifts Your Groomsmen Will Treasure Forever

Safety Razor

Your groomsmen are used to getting tacky gifts at weddings that they never use. They take these gifts out of courtesy, but in reality, they’d be happier getting something useful that memorializes the experience of helping their best buds get hitched. You can stand out as a good groom by getting your groomsmen gifts that they can keep forever without getting tired of them.

Whether your groomsmen use the safety razors you pick for them or not, they’ll never get tired of looking at these keepsakes whenever they open their medicine cabinets or come across them during their daily routine. Safety razors are durable, which means that your groomsmen can use them for years without wearing them out. Better yet, these shaving implements are compact, which means that your groomsmen can add them to their collections of keepsakes without taking up too much precious space.

2. Safety Razors Are Timeless and Enjoyable Shaving Accessories

There’s a reason that safety razors have been around forever; while plenty of other shaving accessories have come and gone, these timeless razors have proven their worth again and again. Generations of men have looked to safety razors to give them clean shaves day in and day out, and giving your groomsmen these special razors can give them the opportunity to be part of a time-honored tradition of manhood.

Omega Shaving Brush 63171

While shaving with a traditional cartridge razor gets old fast, there’s something about shaving with a single blade that remains fresh no matter how many times you do it. Being able to switch between blades is convenient, and ditching your stubble down the drain with a single blade feels more elegant and manly than relying on multiple blades and lubricating strips to get the job done. Unlike straight razors, safety razors aren’t dangerous, but they still evoke the ruggedness and simplicity that has defined manhood since the dawn of time.

3. Safety Razors Save Money in the Long Run

There’s no getting around the fact that safety razors often cost more than cartridge razors right off the bat. However, your groomsmen will appreciate the money that they’ll be able to save in the long run with your thoughtful gift.

Safety Razor & Groomsmen Gifts

The cost of cartridges for razors can add up fast. Even if you use the same cartridge for an entire month, you will still go through 12 cartridges every year, and the best razor cartridges don’t come cheap.

Safety razor blades, on the other hand, are surprisingly inexpensive. These blades are so cheap, as a matter of fact, that you could use a new one every time you shave and still spend far less than you’d pay to use a new razor cartridge every month. No matter how well off he is, every man is proud of his frugality, and getting safety razors for your groomsmen will appeal to the best qualities of the men who serve such important roles in your life.

Safety Razor

4. Safety Razors Make Your Skin Look and Feel Better

If any of your groomsmen have sensitive skin, they’ll have all the more reason to treasure your thoughtful gift. Generations of men who have used straight razors can attest that these razors are better for your skin and give you a better shave.

Because the blades in safety razors are fully exposed, they can get closer to your skin. The closer the blade in your razor gets to your skin, the smoother your shave will be, and the longer your face will look like it’s hair-free. These types of razors also give you more control of the shaving process; a single blade is easier to get into areas, such as the spot next to your ears or under your nose, that can be hard to shave with cartridge razors.

Safety razors are especially perfect for men who have sensitive skin. If any of your groomsmen have suffered from acne, ingrown hairs, or skin irritation after shaving, giving them these handy razors will make you look like a true hero. While cartridge razors can needlessly irritate your skin and cause breakouts, the simplicity of safety razors makes it possible for these time-honored shaving tools to get rid of your facial scruff without leaving any disasters in their wake.

5. Safety Razors Break with Convention to Make Your Wedding Memorable

Your groomsmen are tired of getting the same old gift at every wedding. They already have enough flasks, shot glasses, and hunting hatchets to last a lifetime, and to be honest, they’ll probably never use most of the gifts they’ve gotten from other weddings. At best, they’ll use them infrequently, and these gifts will spend most of their time in the garage or the closet.

Safety razors are another matter. While not every man will fall in love with this type of razor, there’s a good chance that one or more of your groomsmen will use his safety razor every day. Every morning when he gets up, he’ll reach for the razor you got him and remember the amazing time he had being the rock of your wedding and seeing you off into your happily married life.

While safety razors are practical gifts for groomsmen, they also evoke the rugged and raw manhood that has made you guys such great friends since you were kids. You still have lots of years ahead to make new memories, and a safety razor is the perfect gift to keep the memory of your wedding fresh forever.