A Closer Look at Electric vs. Regular Razors

Shaving is the primary grooming skill every suave man should know. However, your ability to shave yourself is just as good as your tools. Should you do it electrically or go old school? Consider these eight merits of electric vs. regular razors.

1.   Cost

Electric and manual razors come at different price points, but the former is more expensive by a mile. Low-end electric hair clippers, trimmers and shavers will set you back a bit, while high-end models can cost hundreds of dollars. On the other hand, you can buy a pair of quality safety razors with a sleek finish for less than a Benjamin. You can also order four stainless steel shavettes for the same amount.

However, regular razors require wet shaving. A decent shaving brush and a rustproof stand are usually one-time purchases, but you’ll need to budget for preshave, shaving soap or cream, aftershave and replacement cartridges occasionally. The cost to replenish your supply will add up over time if you’re not smart with your purchases.

Meanwhile, electric clippers, trimmers and shavers generally work without other products because they only need dry shaving. They can last for years, but you may need replacement parts when some of their components break. You’ll also need a stock of cleaning fluid to prevent premature foil and blade wear.

Moreover, having one electric razor may be insufficient for your grooming needs — especially when you have plenty of facial and body hair. You may need a trimmer or a shaver paired with a hair clipper if you want to do all your shaving. More gadgets mean higher expenses.

2.   Speed

Are electric razors better than regular ones regarding efficiency? In a way, they are. Machines can get the job done faster, but you may need to go back over areas multiple times to cut more hair.

Conversely, shaving with a traditional razor is typically more time-consuming. You must prep the areas first to reduce the friction between the blade and your skin. When you’re ready to shave, you must take time to glide over areas smoothly and safely.

3.   Shave Closeness

Shaving the traditional way is the best way to achieve a clean look. A conventional razor has multiple blades designed to lift the hair from the follicle upon contact before cutting it. The result is the closest shave you’ll get.

Trimming messy stubble with an electric shaver can make your face look neat, but expect a five o’clock shadow. A slight growth of beard and mustache can make you appear more masculine and mature, but it’s the closest to a shave an electric razor can do. You’ll have to shave more frequently to keep whiskers unnoticeable if you want to do it electrically.

4.   Versatility

Traditional razors are useful for any area you want to shave cleanly. Most barbers recommend them for your face, chest, abdomen and legs. In contrast, every type of electric razor has a specialty.

Trimmers can be helpful for shaving different body parts. It’s suitable for cutting finer and shorter hair on your face. This tool can come with various attachments to expand its shaving capabilities. It can have a precision detailer for trimming your beard, sideburns and eyebrows, a reciprocating head for edging and grooming hairy ears, and a rotary head for cutting nose hair.

Hair clippers are perfect for trimming long hair. You’ll need one if you have a scruffy beard or want to cut the hair on your head down to one-sixteenth of an inch. Shavers are primarily for facial hair. You can use a hair clipper and a rotary shaver alternately to trim your bushy beard, but you’ll need a foil shaver to remove as much hair from your skin as possible.

5.   Maintenance

Consider the tool’s design when determining the upkeep of electric vs. regular razors. A no-frills safety razor is easy to maintain. You can rinse it with warm water and pat it dry to remove mineral buildup and lather residue. When changing blades, wash and wipe the inside of the head. On the contrary, a straight razor needs more care since its blade dulls with use. You can sharpen it with a strop, a natural or manufactured stone, or a lapping film.

Electric razor maintenance is usually stress-free. Built-in vacuums and self-cleaning settings will make your life easier. If your model has no set-and-forget automatic cleaning station, you can clean it with running water fuss-free and dry it afterward.

Lubrication is an extra but straightforward task to keep your electric razor in good shape. Applying a few drops of light oil before you groom will:

  • Prolong the life of your shaver’s foil or blade
  • Reduce friction-induced heat during operation
  • Help cutting components move with less resistance
  • Boost your electric razor’s performance

Spraying a cleaner on your shaver is optional, but doing so can help neutralize hard water and lubricate your tool.

6.   Skin Safety

Manual razors have a reputation for causing irritation and abrasion because they interact with the skin directly. However, applying shaving cream or oil can make your grooming experience pleasant, even with sensitive skin. Dermatologists recommend having a clean-shaven look to prevent razor bumps.

Electric shaving is generally safe for the skin but can still cause itchy and unsightly ingrown hairs. That’s why it’s wise to use shaving cream when grooming to add a protective layer between your skin and an electric razor.

7.   Controllability

Shaving is a lost art. Traditional razors will help you hone your grooming skills more effectively. Learning how to wield a razor will help you better trim a distinct beard neckline. You can define your facial hair’s lines well with muscle memory using an electric trimmer, but a tool you can hold with just your fingers will give you more control over the shaving process.

8.   Portability

Whether manual or electric, your grooming gear will eat up luggage space. Some say that traditional shaving kits are less convenient when traveling, but a mechanical tool needing a charging and cleaning station and requiring wet shaving can also be bulky.

Are Electric Razors Better Than Regular Ones?

All grooming tools have pros and cons but complement each other. Despite advancements in men’s electric shaving tech, traditional razors have persisted. It’s evidence that they can do what sophisticated gear can’t, so invest in a kit to round out your grooming toolset and maintain your desired look.

Signs That Your Beard Isn’t Getting the Care It Deserves


Men wear a beard for several reasons — one is to look masculine. While it makes you look manly and ruggedly handsome, maintaining facial hair requires intensive grooming, much like scalp hairs.

Are you noticing beard problems cropping up now and then? Do you see flakes or split ends? These are indications your fuzz needs extra loving and care. Here are prevalent signs your beard isn’t getting what it deserves.

Itchy and Red Skin

As your beard gets longer, it’s harder to reach the skin underneath when washing your face. What typically happens is instead of clearing away dirt, it gets trapped in the jaw and chin. Over time, oil combines with dirt and clog your pores. When hair follicles are blocked, it causes itchiness, redness, and sometimes acne.

Proper exfoliation can resolve this problem. It’s one healthy habit your beard will thank you for. Exfoliate your face fuzz like a boss in these four steps.

1. Wet your face with warm water.

2. Grab your go-to beard wash and create a lather.

3. Spread the shampoo to your mustache using a scrubber and gently brush the area.

4. Rinse and pat dry with a towel.

5. Apply beard oil or conditioner to hydrate the skin below.

Flakes or Dandruff

Men don’t get flakes on the scalp alone. The beard skin can also get dandruff, medically known as seborrheic dermatitis, leaving you feeling unhygienic. When yeast grows on the chin or jaw, the result is scaly and grainy skin.

Up to 40% of men experience beard dandruff. Proper beard care is vital to prevent this from happening. Otherwise, you’ll need to shave your beard away. Choosing a good shampoo is the easiest treatment method. Look for a variant with 1% ketoconazole, pyrithione zinc or selenium sulfide. These active ingredients have antifungal properties that kill and stop yeast growth on the skin.

Here’s how to achieve the best results by using antifungal shampoos.

1. While dry, apply enough shampoo to your beard. Ideally, do this a few minutes before showering.

2. Massage the shampoo thoroughly, making sure it reaches the skin. Use a beard scrubber if necessary.

3. Rinse it thoroughly. Ensure no residue is left on the skin. You can reapply the shampoo on wet skin if you want.

Dry and Brittle Hair

One of the signs of poor beard care is dry, brittle facial hair. Looking at them is as uncomfortable as having them. You can sometimes solve it by switching to another brand of beard wash, as your current product could be drying the hairs out or irritating the skin.

In other instances, dry and brittle hair can be caused by dehydration, overswimming and extreme weather.

Not drinking enough fluids can affect the skin under your facial hair. Meanwhile, pools and salt water have chlorine and salt drying to the hair. Lastly, extremely hot or cold weather makes your beard vulnerable to damage. Here are some solutions to this problem.

1. Swap to a different beard wash or shampoo. Consult a dermatologist if you need help picking out the right brands.

2. If swimming, coat a layer of beard oil first to protect your fuzz from harmful chemicals. When you leave the pool, wash and condition it by applying an oil or a balm.

3. If you live in an area with harsh weather conditions, moisturize your mustache frequently. Choose absorbent products so it doesn’t leave a sticky feeling.

Hair Loss and Patchy Beard

A patchy beard is most likely due to alopecia barbae — a condition related to alopecia areata — characterized by hair loss. In such a case, the immune system sees hair follicles as foreign objects needed to get rid of. As it attacks, the damage results in signs of hair loss, including patchiness, thinning and loosening of follicles.

Alopecia barbae is an auto-immune disorder with no cure but is treatable through medications and other means.

Corticosteroids are immune system suppressors injected or applied topically to the bald spot. You may see effects within one to two months after treatment.

Minoxidil is a topical cream used to treat baldness. It encourages hair growth.

Beard care is essential during treatment as these products can make your hair feel greasy. Blot your fuzz with a dry paper towel and use a gentle beard wash to combat this.

 Split Ends

Split ends are a disheartening sight on your face after following the best beard care advice on the internet. Facial hair split ends make your beard look unkempt, dry and coarse.

The sebum produced by the sebaceous gland coats facial hair to retain moisture. Since the skin only secretes a limited amount, nourishing the beard is harder after it gets past a certain length. The ends can become dry and brittle, eventually followed by split ends.

Apart from this natural cause, using low-quality and harsh beard products and improper grooming habits can cause the problem. Unfortunately, split ends are not repairable. The only way to get rid of them is by trimming the broken hairs.

Prevention is key to side-step split-end problems. Here are some tips:

1. Use a gentle beard wash that doesn’t strip natural oil.

2. Moisturize it with beard oil or balm.

3. Brush your beard to maintain its shine.

4. Eat a balanced diet.

Positive Lifestyle for a Healthier Beard

The growth of facial hair is influenced by testosterone, a hormone dominant in men. If the body has less of it, the beard grows poorly.

A healthy lifestyle can help maintain an equilibrium in the body’s hormonal levels. Here are some tips.

  • Diet: Good nutrition, including lean protein and zinc- and iron-dense food sources, like liver and nuts, can contribute to a healthy and fuller beard.
  • Exercise: Physical activities promote blood flow, stimulating hair follicles.
  • Sleep: The body produces testosterone mainly during sleep. Interrupted rest may disturb the process.
  • Supplements: If you’re not getting adequate nutrients from food to support beard growth, talk to your doctor about oral supplementations.
  • Regulate stress: High cortisol levels are a sign of hormonal imbalance that can affect your beard.

Effective Beard Care Combines Grooming Habits and Lifestyle

Your beard requires proper grooming to look its best. It means spending a few more minutes in the bathroom to apply oil and balm to nourish it. Be wise in choosing your beard products. It’s safer to pick brands with gentle and natural ingredients as they generally suit various skin types. Ask a dermatologist or beard expert if you need guidance in selecting the best items.

A positive lifestyle also affects its appearance. Exercising, getting enough shut-eye and eating nutritious foods can help maintain its glory naturally.

Shaving Tips for Men With Sensitive Skin

Shaving facial hair is an uncomfortable experience for men with sensitive skin. Redness and irritation set in almost immediately after the razor touches your skin, making it practically impossible to finish the job. Then, when your face finally recovers, it’s time to shave again. If you have fallen into this vicious cycle, these shaving tips will be your saving grace.

shaving cream for men

1.   Choose the Right Razor

First and foremost, you must choose the right razor to get a clean shave. A cheap disposable version isn’t doing your skin any favors. The blades must be sharp so they glide over your face and slice through the hairs without aggravating the follicles and roots beneath the skin. There are two razor categories to choose from:

  • Manual: Manual razors are the traditional options, containing one to six blades. The best type is the single-blade straight razor that men have used since ancient times. Fewer blades equal a closer shave and less irritation.
  • Electric: Electric razors are also serviceable for sensitive skin, especially if they have blade attachments that naturally conform to your face’s shape. You’re also less likely to make a mistake or cut yourself with an electric razor.

A manual razor will be the better choice for most sensitive-skinned guys. Electric razors require you to perform a dry shave, which increases the risk of skin irritation and often leads to acne. Additionally, the dozens of tiny blades on electric razors are more likely to scrape off dermal cells and dry your skin.

On the other hand, combining a simple manual straight razor with shaving cream for men will make the experience as comfortable as possible. Your skin will stay cool, and the solitary blade will have no trouble cutting through stubborn hairs.

2.   Keep the Blades Clean

Once you find the perfect razor, you must do your best to keep the blades clean. Even the best razor blades will cause skin irritation after a few shaves. Once they get dull, you need to sharpen them or replace them with new blades. This type of maintenance requires in-depth knowledge of your razor’s various parts and how they’re supposed to work.

If you choose an electric razor, you must lubricate the blades instead of sharpening them. Most electric razor kits come with a small container of mineral oil. Just put a few drops of oil on the blades at every shave and your razor will last for the foreseeable future. Having a full charge will also make the process easier on your skin.

No matter which razor you choose, the overarching goal is the same — always keeping the blades clean. Don’t let them accumulate dead skin and old hairs. Take a few minutes out of your day to sharpen or lubricate the blades for the sake of your skin’s health.

3.   Exfoliate Before Shaving

Now it’s time to get down to shaving. Exfoliate your skin before applying shaving cream. Showering or washing your face with warm water removes dirt and bacteria and washes away dead skin particles. It also opens up your facial pores, loosening up the hairs so they dislodge more easily.

All these benefits combine to make your skin as smooth as possible. Smooth skin will allow the blades to move around without obstruction. Your first time shaving after exfoliating will be nothing like your previous experiences. As long as you use the proper shaving technique, there will be no nicks, redness or swelling.

4.   Add Shaving Cream or Oil

You can finally apply your shaving cream once you’ve exfoliated. However, you shouldn’t use your hands because they’re oily and abrasive. Instead, you should use a shaving brush with fine hairs to apply the cream. It will be softer and stimulate blood flow beneath the skin to help with the exfoliating process.

You can also create a homemade beard oil recipe with anti-inflammatory essential oils such as clove, peppermint and cinnamon. Some people also use baby or olive oil to smooth the skin before shaving. Store your homemade beard oil at room temperature and monitor it for freshness.

5.   Shave With the Grain

Before applying your favorite shaving cream for men, take a moment to learn the correct way to shave. Some men can get away with shaving from any angle, but guys with sensitive skin always need to go with the grain. Facial hair usually grows downward around the mustache, chin and cheeks, but it also grows upward on the neck. Study your beard’s growth patterns and determine which way you’re supposed to shave.

You also need to apply the right amount of pressure on your skin. Razors in good condition will slice through your facial hair with ease. Don’t push down on your skin too hard or you’ll be more likely to cut yourself or cause painful irritation.

6.   Use a Daily Moisturizer

You have all the fundamentals — getting the right razor, finding a good shaving cream for men, exfoliating your skin and going with the grain. However, you must also focus on daily maintenance habits to keep your sensitive skin healthy. The most important thing is moisturization.

You must replenish your skin with nutrients every day so it has the strength to tolerate shaving and doesn’t develop acne. Malnourished skin is more likely to dry up, crack and become irritated. You should also eat more foods with nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acids to replenish your skin cells.

7.   Prioritize Your Hydration

This final tip is the simplest of them all — stay hydrated. It’s impossible to overstate how important hydration is to your skin’s health. When your skin has plenty of water, it’s soft, flexible and easy to shave on. Dehydration causes brittleness and makes shaving more difficult since the blade will drag.

The recommended daily amount of water is about 15.5 cups daily or 3.7 liters for adult men. Following this basic benchmark will do your skin a huge favor.

Enjoy a Better Shave and Healthier Skin

As long as you follow these essentials, shaving won’t be a hassle anymore. Get yourself a high-quality razor and shaving cream for men, add exfoliation to your routine, shave with the grain, moisturize your face daily and drink plenty of water. If you check these boxes, you’ll enjoy a better shave and healthier skin for years to come. Although choosing the right shaving cream for men might sound easy, there are a lot of bad options out there. Be sure to try our Signature Shave Cream for a high quality shaving experience.

Grooming and Confidence: Five Great Tips

Men's Grooming


It feels good to like the face in the mirror. Taking care of your personal grooming can make a huge difference in your self-confidence and in turn, your quality of life. A lot of men struggle with finding a style that’s their own or don’t know where to start. In this article, we’ll look at five great tips that can help you look and feel like your best self.

1.       Take Time on Your Appearance Every Day 

Little is more devastating to your self-confidence than being disheveled and looking like you’re coming off a three-day bender on your way to the coffee shop or the store. Wrinkled clothing, matted hair, we’ve all been there, you know the look. The good news is that tidying yourself up doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Spending a few minutes each morning in front of the mirror can make a huge difference.

Your hair is a great place to start. We’ll touch on hairstyles later when you’ve got the cut you like. Focus on keeping your hair healthy for now. It’s important to keep your hair clean, but many shampoos contain parabens and other ingredients that can strip away helpful oils that your skin and hair need. This can leave your hair dry and possibly cause an itchy scalp and dandruff. Try to find a shampoo that’s free of dyes or parabens, and see if using it every other day helps you to maintain a healthier head of hair.

Another simple thing to keep in mind is dental hygiene. Having bad breath or things stuck in your teeth is embarrassing and preventable. Brush your teeth after each meal and try to floss every day—it will do wonders for your smile. If you’re a big coffee or tea drinker, there are many remedies to bring the sparkle back to your smile, like whitening pens or toothpaste.

Finally, be aware of your body odor. Make sure to apply an antiperspirant deodorant if it’s hot out, you’re exercising vigorously, or if you’re just prone to heavy perspiration. Then find a cologne that you like to give you that “signature scent,” but don’t apply it too heavily. A dab on the neck and wrists will suffice. Body odor is something that others tend to notice pretty quickly, and nothing destroys self-confidence quite like being told you smell bad.

2.       Change Up Your Hairstyle!

Is your style working for you? If not, it may be time to make a change. Your hair is one of the first things people will see and notice about you. If you’ve been walking around with the same haircut for a long time, consider switching up your hairstyle. A fresh new haircut can boost your confidence and do wonders for your personal appearance. Check up on what’s in style, and take a look at some of the most popular men’s hairstyles of 2022.

Once you’ve found a style that suits you, make sure to properly care for your hair as discussed above. You don’t want to get a great haircut only to have poor quality products and bad grooming habits make it look less than stellar. If you find you’re having trouble growing full hair for the look that you’re considering, or you feel that your hair is too thin to achieve the style, you may want to talk to your doctor about a solution like topical minoxidil. It’s not uncommon to experience thinning hair as you get older. Treating these issues early on can help to combat the effects of aging and male pattern baldness, and help you achieve the style you want..

No matter the type of hair you have, from short, neatly trimmed cuts to long flowing hair, there is almost certainly a style that fits you. Ask your barber for suggestions or try a few different looks if you’re not sure!

3. Try Growing a Beard!

If you’ve been browsing around and looking at articles on personal grooming, you’ve probably heard a lot of differing opinions on this subject. Some will say to ditch the beard, while others will encourage short, neatly trimmed facial hair. So who’s correct?

Having a beard will be more work; that much is for sure. But overall, this is going to be up to personal preference. Some people don’t like the feeling of facial hair or simply don’t like the way their face looks with a beard or mustache. However, if you’ve never tried growing a beard, you can’t know what you’ll look like with one! Fortunately for you, we’ve broken down the positives and negatives of facial hair and whether or not a beard is right for you.

If you do decide to try growing a beard, make sure that you keep it clean, styled, and well-kept. Letting your facial hair grow wild will only add to a messy appearance.

4. Take a Closer Look at Your Face

If you like your hairstyle and you’re satisfied with your facial hair, it may be time to take a closer look at your complexion. Is your skin clear and smooth? Or do you have acne and bags under your eyes? If you’re serious about looking your best, taking care of your face is a crucial part of your grooming routine.

One of the most important components of good skin care is keeping your hands clean. Whether you realize it or not, you touch your face fairly often, and the dirt and oils on your hands can clog the pores on your skin and give you an oily complexion or even breakouts. When washing your face, pick a good cleanser that fits your skin type, be that oily or dry. Try using warm water rather than hot, as hot water can open up pores too much and cause them to fill with oils and debris. If you suffer from dry skin, you’ll want to stick with a cleanser that has a moisturizer. If you have a lot of oil and are prone to breakouts, you may want to look into a cleanser with salicylic acid.

5. Change Up Your Wardrobe

Have you been wearing the same clothes for the past few years? Quarantine has caused a lot of us to not put too much thought into how we dress on a daily basis, especially for those that work from home. Now that the world is starting to open back up and return to normal though, you don’t want to be wearing that same t-shirt and jeans you’ve had since 2016. It might be time to upgrade your wardrobe. There are a lot of options to choose from, but the process doesn’t have to be daunting. There are a lot of great resources, including sites that let you choose what you like and suggest outfits for you based on your preferences and tastes. One of the great things about style trends today is the vast variety of clothing that’s considered ‘in style.’ From classy ’60s style blazers and button-ups to the jeans and flannels of the ’70s all the way to the argyle sweaters of the 80s. If you can rock it with confidence, it’s probably stylish. You don’t have to spend a ton of money either; try out thrift stores and consignment shops to find a look that suits you and wear it with pride.

One of the best ways to feel good about yourself is to take care of your physical appearance. It’s a great feeling to look in the mirror and like what you see. With people spending less time outside and going to social events, the last couple of years has started to make people think less about personal grooming. The days of ‘clean shirt, pants optional’ are coming to a close. However, if you want to feel your best, then you’ll want to look your best.