How Using The Best Beard Oil Could Make All The Difference
Growing a beard is a major undertaking. You start out thinking it will enable you to be a little more footloose and “fancy free” than the rigors of daily shaving. Soon after your bread sprouts, however, you realize that is not necessarily true. A beard does not absolve you of daily grooming routine. Instead, your routine just changes. Part of this routine lies in ensuring you have some of the best beard oil on hand.
The best beard oil for your needs will be more than just a nice scent to rub through facial hairs. The best oil is one that nourishes your beard, helping it to grow well and look great. Beard oil also nourishes the skin beneath your beard, so those follicles can continue doing the great job of making you a beardsman.
Best Beard Oil for New Growth Beards
When your beard first starts to grow, you need to nourish your skin and hair to keep them healthy and growing strong. But you do not need the weight of a beard oil designed for keeping unruly hairs in place.
A good beard oil for this stage is also one that helps you get through the phase many men do not make it through without grabbing the nearest razor and going back to their old daily routine. That is, the itchy, uncomfortable emergence of facial hairs. For this, you need a beard oil that soothes.
Ingredients to look for in beard oil for this phase of growth are vitamins A, B, D and E. Proteins and fatty acids are also great for repairing damaged hairs and getting into the follicles to stimulate healthy growth.
Best Beard Oil for Medium Growth
When your beard has grown to one-half to 1.5 inches, you are in the most comfortable phase of beard growth. This is when living is easy and maintenance is almost as carefree as possible. This phase is so carefree that you can use just about any beard oil weight and quality. During this phase, scent and moisturizing are the most important factors. You still want to keep your skin hydrated, follicles stimulated and existing hair length nourished.
A great option for medium growth beards is Edwin Jagger Beard Oil in Sandalwood.
Best Beard Oil for Full Growth
When your beard reaches more than 1.5 to 3 inches, it starts taking on a life of its own. It decides which direction it wants to lie and how much the hairs behave. Much like a two year-old toddler, it may take some effort to keep your beard in line at this stage.
Heavier oil works best for full growth beards. This weighs the hairs down and keeps them from sticking out in all directions. It also continues to nourish and hydrate skin and the hairs for continuing good health. Edwin Jagger Beard Oil in Limes and Pomegranate is a great choice.
Best Beard Oil for Long Beards
When your beard is over three inches long, you start becoming as popular as a set of twins. Wherever you go, people remark about your beard. This is a time when heavy oils are important. You will also need to apply more of the oil to ensure these older, longer hairs do not start acting like rebellious teenagers.