How To Get The Perfect Classic Shave
Getting a “classic shave” means stepping away from your quickly executed, disposable razor-quality shave using canned shaving cream. A classic shave is an experience and daily ritual men of many generations have enjoyed. You can enjoy your shave, too. The keys to that lie in having the right implements and knowing how to execute a luxurious shaving experience from start to finish.
What You Will Need for a Classic Shave
For a truly timeless shave, you will need several items:
- Shaving brush, like the Edwin Jagger Super Badger Shaving Brush
- Razor, like an Edwin Jagger Safety Razor
- Quality shaving cream, such as Col. Conk High Desert Breeze Shaving Cream
Once you have these items on hand, fill a sink full of hot water. Ensure it is not scalding, but nicely hot and steamy. The best time to shave is after you have had a hot shower.
While you are filling the sink, allow your shaving brush to soak in the water.
Prepping Your Skin
Splash enough hot water on your freshly showered face to keep it very wet. It is important to ensure your face stays well hydrated and warm throughout the shave.
Take your shaving brush out of the hot water and hold it upside down until all of the excess water has flowed out. Swirl the warm, wet-tipped brush on the surface of the shaving cream in circular motions. Do this until white lather appears. You will need sufficient shaving cream, but not too much. When you have done a few classic shaves, you will know how much cream is right for your shave.
Paint the lather onto your face using an up and down motion. Ensure all of the areas you will be shaving are covered with cream. The layer of shaving cream should be thick and opaque. Put down your shaving brush and replace it in your hand with the razor.
Executing Your Classic Shave
Shave in the direction of hair growth. That means you shave with your whiskers, not against them. If you are using a safety razor for the first time, you must remember that safety razors require slow, light-handed application. Do not stroke it heavily across your skin in rapid movements, like you do with a disposable razor. Part of the experience of the classic shave is in appreciating the slow, relaxing movements.
You will need to pay attention to your hair’s growth pattern while shaving to avoid cuts and razor burn. Unlike with a disposable razor, a safety razor requires greater care and attention to the growth patterns. Also remember to rinse your safety razor frequently, between each pass if needed. Your whiskers may require two passes over each area, to ensure a close shave.
After the Shave
Once your shave is complete, rinse your face with cold water. Using cold water closes your facial pores. Pat your face dry with a towel.
Rinse your razor and shaving brush very well to ensure all lather and residue are removed. Shake the shaving brush dry and store it using a shaving brush drip stand. Never store your delicate shaving brush on its side. Bristles need to air dry and this is done by hanging the brush from the drip stand. Properly maintained, your shaving brush can last more than 20 years.
Finish your classic shave with a non-alcohol after-shave lotion or moisturizer. Moisturizer meant for after your shave will not sting and bring tears to your eyes like traditional after-shave made with alcohol. Follow the methods of wet shaving with the appropriate products listed and you are guaranteed to have a perfect classic shave.