Best Beard Grooming Habits When Dealing With Extreme Heat

Summertime brings late sunsets, terrific barbecues and fun days on the water. However, the scorching temperatures can make your outings much more difficult. How should your grooming habits change when extreme heat arrives? Caring for your beard is a priority because of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. Here’s how to take care of your beard in the dog days of summer.


What Grooming Habits Should You Use in Extreme Heat?

When the temperatures hit triple digits, it’s time to turn on the air conditioner and care for your beard. Here are five habits for protecting your beard and grooming for the summer heat. 


Your skin needs sunscreen to reduce the risk of sun damage and prevent discomfort. Heat waves typically mean intense UV rays beating on your arms, face and legs. While rubbing sunscreen on your skin is standard practice, you also need it for your beard.

Sunscreen is most advantageous for guys with thin beards. Apply it to your facial hair for enhanced protection against dangerous UV rays. Protect your beard and keep it soft all summer by making sunscreen one of your extreme heat grooming habits.


You might not want to hear about trimming if you enjoy your long beard. However, it’s a worthwhile part of your routine because it cools down your face. Less facial hair means a lighter beard and an easier time in the sun.

Your beard keeps heat under your hair and makes the weather feel hotter than it is. Find the beard length you feel most comfortable with in the summer and make it a part of your routine. Alternatively, try a shorter and trendy style like the chinstrap or the Balbo beard.


When you think of exfoliation, you likely picture acne prevention. However, it also matters for your beard. Exfoliating is one of the most essential grooming habits for your face because it aids blood circulation. It’s also complementary to beard oil after you apply the product.

Exfoliating eliminates dead skin cells in facial hair and makes it more comfortable during extreme heat. The process is easy when you have a beard brush, so find one with the proper stiffness. This tool also aids facial hair in absorbing beard balm.

Beard Shampoo

Going outside may be unavoidable, so you’ll return with a hard day’s work on your face. Sweat, dirt, dust and other contaminants seep into your beard, meaning you need a body and beard shower afterward. Cleanse your face with beard shampoo as one of your grooming habits.

Beard shampoo cleans your beard by removing the contaminants clogging your pores. You’ll also protect your facial hair’s natural oils with restored moisture and a healthier appearance. Find a gentle shampoo that protects your beard instead of introducing harsh chemicals.

Beard Oil

Being in the sun for extended periods means caring for your skin and beard afterward. Your skin may need aloe due to the sunburn, and your facial hair craves beard oil. Experts say extended heat exposure makes your hair feel brittle, so moisture restoration is necessary for your beard.

Beard oil is an excellent remedy for drying facial hair because it hydrates your beard and the skin underneath. Apply a few drops after you’ve been in the sun to prevent the worst UV ray damage and smell great at the same time.

How Else Can You Protect Your Beard During Extreme Heat?


Solid grooming habits are essential during extreme heat. However, there are other factors you should consider for your facial hair. Here are more tips for beard upkeep this summer.


Prolonged sun exposure harms your skin and facial hair, so stay away from UV rays as much as possible by finding shade. Have your outdoor picnic under a tree or hang out with your family on a shaded porch. Take whatever measure necessary to keep your beard from the sun.

What happens if you’re in the sun too long? While your beard faces dryness and brittleness, your entire body is at risk during heat waves. Research shows heat stroke and heat exhaustion cause hundreds of fatalities annually, emphasizing the need for self-care.

Timely Outings

You still have things to do during heat waves, so sitting inside all day might not be an option. If you must go outside, time your outings to avoid the worst UV rays. Your body and beard will thank you when you finish your errands before the sun starts beating heavily on your skin.

When should you avoid outdoor activities? The American Cancer Society says the six hours between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. are the worst because that’s when UV rays become their most potent. Go for a swim after sunset or play in the park with your kids in the early morning.

Hydration Breaks

Remember a couple of things if you must go outside in the middle of the day. First, you need adequate hydration throughout your outdoor activities. Your body loses water through sweat, so you need replenishment. Plus, your water intake throughout the day keeps your beard hydrated.

Another essential reminder during a heat wave is taking breaks. Schedule regular rest periods for your body to ensure you don’t overdo it. While you may feel tempted to tough it out, the extreme heat and UV rays are no joke. Take the time to hydrate and cool down.



While grooming habits take center stage, don’t forget the minor details concerning beard health. For example, your diet matters during extreme heat because it affects your facial hair growth. Maintaining a healthy diet is a small but significant part of your day. 

How can your diet maintain beard health? Experts say lean proteins and iron-rich foods make your facial hair look healthier and fuller. Chicken and salmon are terrific light protein sources, so make cold sandwiches when heat waves arrive. 

Careful Swimming

Jumping into swimming pools is an excellent way to cool off and stay fit in the summer. While enjoyable, they can impact your beard health due to the chemicals. Therefore, you should watch what you put in the pool when it’s time to clean.

Chlorine is a significant reason to limit your time spent in swimming pools. This chemical element makes you vulnerable to dryness and discoloration as it seeps into your cuticles. Consider chlorine alternatives or spend more time in natural bodies of water.

Remembering Your Grooming Habits in Extreme Heat

Heat waves can cause even the toughest guys to succumb to extreme temperatures. You need solid grooming habits and safety precautions to stay healthy in the summer heat. Beard products, shade and hydration are excellent options during dangerously hot weather.