What you need to know about shaving with a double edged razor

Shaving with a double edged razor is something many men are eager to try today, tossing out their cheap cartridge razors for a little more style, self-indulgence and luxury as part of their morning routine. But many of the terms associated with wet shaving and double edged razors can be as confusing as figuring out which razor to buy and then how to use it.
Below we share a few details about double edged razor shaving, to shed some light on this old classic in male grooming.
Finding Your Perfect Double Edged Razor
One thing about using a double edged razor is that one man’s “perfect” razor is not another man’s right fit. So you can’t just rely on a good friend’s recommendation. Instead, look for a double edged razor that fits nicely in your hand, feels slightly heavy and has a nice grip, like the Edwin Jagger 3D Laser Diamond DE3D14BL.
If your hands are large for example, you will likely want a longer handle than others. Or maybe you will feel most in control with a slightly stout handle, like the Edwin Jagger R35611SR. Whichever double edged safety razor you choose, a quality one will last a lifetime. So this may be something you wish to invest in, as unlike cartridge razors you replace only the blades and not the entire razor.
Using Your Double Edged Razor
Learning how to use your double edged safety razor takes time and practice. You will likely experience nicks and cuts for the first several shaves while you get used to letting the razor’s weight do the work. You may still be inclined to press down on your face and neck with the razor, which will cut your skin. So don’t start using a safety razor on an important day or when you are in a hurry, as you may have to take a few moments to take care of your nicks.
To use your safety razor with double edge blades, pull skin taut in one direction and use the blade in the opposite direction. Angle the razor’s handle at about 30 degrees from your face or neck. Do not press down, instead letting the razor’s weight drive itself. Use short strokes in the same direction as your hair growth.
Keeping Blades Fresh
Like with choosing your own perfect safety razor, you will need to experiment with different double edge blades to find your favorite. There are multiple factors that determine how long a blade lasts, such as how coarse your beard is, the brand of the blade and other factors. But common blades like Feather usually last between five and seven shaves. If your beard is not coarse, a Feather blade may last longer for you. You will know it is time to replace your blade when the current one is tugging or pulling on your first few shaving strokes. Don’t forget to use both sides of the blade, to maximize life of each one.